Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • innervoice
    12-15 01:25 PM
    ^Many SriLankan husband .......

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  • pbojja
    03-24 05:47 PM
    Great job Mark ,Appreciate your efforts

    I think the last caller is a stupid and dont know the difference between the Highly skilled and Undocumented workers , he is refereing to workers in restaurent to the H1B workers .

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  • andycool
    11-10 06:39 AM
    Hello gurus,

    I have one doubt abt requirements to port EB2.

    my EB3 priority date is Aug 2005, now i am planning to apply EB2 with different employer. do i need 5 yrs experience as of my Eb3 priority date in order to port Eb3 priority date to Eb3 ? my lawyer is saying i need 5 yrs experience as of Aug 2005 is it true ?

    thanks a lot for your help

    Your Lawyer is wrong....EB2 is for your current employment it has nothing to do with your previous PD . was like that for Labor Substitution case ...But for new EB2 Application its not needed...find a good Lawyer.


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  • kirupa
    06-04 09:20 AM
    Golgi's site was one of the worst sites I have ever seen - the intro was long and the midi was annoying. Good job! :)


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  • masti_Gai
    10-27 08:07 AM
    After the bi-specialization of centers for H1 and 140 approvals the processing times have increased. This is coz the applications from other centers like Nebraska and Texas are being transferred to California and Vermont.
    Once they are all done with the backlogs of other centers they will maintain their goal of max six months to process any application.

    so nuttin to worry unless ur application has passed six months. if it did so ask ur attorney to get in touch with the concerned processin center to enquire the reason for the delay.

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  • Wendyzhu77
    07-29 09:21 PM
    Illegal immigration is no good for this country. We would rather have no immigration relief than having any immigration relief that comes with ammnesity. If you want to live in this country, you'd better care for the future of this country, and keep it in mind: illegal immigration is no good for this country, period!


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  • javadeveloper
    09-23 10:07 PM
    My company giving copies only!!!They said they'll send me originals if I need them!!!

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  • needhelp!
    09-16 02:48 PM
    top priority to this one..


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  • Daisy
    10-26 10:57 AM
    Thanks Arihant

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  • Daisy
    10-26 10:31 AM
    I have a question: How many months in advance should you apply for H1 extension? Do you get extension from the date you applied or from date when your H1 expires?


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  • leoindiano
    07-12 10:04 AM
    DOS chief is a puppet for republican government. He is neck deep on the attorney's firing case.

    They thought they can keep us quite by opening gates. Then CIR died. Then they closed the gates.

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  • styrum
    06-12 03:10 AM
    He doesn't need an H1B transfer to be approved to start working for the new employer, just "filed".


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  • gkaplan
    04-23 12:35 PM
    Hello thanks for the reply.
    By applying for a petition did you mean:
    - give the job advertisement in a newsletter,
    - get the LCA
    - then apply for a petition - I-129
    >> what is the time frame for this petition application?
    - apply for the waiver (i mean J1 applies and gets it lets say in 2-3 months)
    >> i'll be still working with my J2 EAD, during waiver comes.
    - once the waiver comes, then what is the procedure?\

    Thanks again!

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  • rajuram
    11-08 11:54 PM
    According to the following document from USCIS they issued receipts for approx 150K applications for AOS in sept. So my estimate of the total back log is

    June filers 75k
    July - 25k
    August 200k
    Sept 150k
    Oct 50K

    Total = 500k ber07.pdf


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  • browncow
    05-21 01:18 AM
    H1 doesn't get invalidated on a 485 rejection, even if it was approved beyond 6 year based on the pending 485. You just may not be eligible for another extension.

    well, USCIS issues EADs based on filed appeals/MTRs, so H1B is not the only solution.

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  • varshadas
    02-10 05:31 PM
    Guys its important to contact your local congressmen. There are a lot of congressmen in your state who are opposed to immigration. Please gather people to contact your local congressmen


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  • desi3933
    09-05 05:53 PM
    Thanks, nice reply.

    Question: I am on EAD and inovked AC21 and working with new employer. I am planning to register a company confused which one to go with LLC or C Corp., by the way I live in California, San Jose. I heard that if you register a LLC in California every year you have to around $800 tax fee, weather you do a business or not, is it true?

    If I go with C-Corp, shall I liable to $800 as well, any ideas??

    What is the deference between LLC and C-Corp? I know every state has deferent laws but I would appreciate if someone can answer my questions from California state.

    Thanks in advance.

    The minimum California franchise tax is the amount a California corp must pay the first quarter of each tax year whether it is active, operates at a loss or does not do business. The current minimum tax is $800.

    The $800 tax payment is not due during the corporation's FIRST tax year. The first $800 minimum tax is due on the 15th day of the 4th month of the corporation's SECOND tax year.

    Please note that LLCs are liable for the minimum franchise tax in all years (no two year exemption for LLCs).

    Please check details with California Franchise Tax Board. The web site is

    *** Disclaimer - This is general info and use it at your own risk *****

    Proud Indian American and Legal Immigrant

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  • sobers
    05-31 03:46 PM
    Clearly IV-QGA has a long ways to go before it an be featured in the 'big league'. Despite its short existence, its commendable what IV-QGA has been able to accomplish.

    National Immigration Forum: Angela Kelley, Christina DeConcini, Lynn Tramonte
    The Forum, the leading pro-immigrant advocacy group, has just expanded its lobbying arm by adding DeConcini, who was formerly with the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. The Forum “brings together strange bedfellows,” Kelley, its deputy director, said. She said groups that normally have little in common, such as the Chamber of Commerce, organized labor and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, join to work toward a “rational, constructive immigration policy.” Tramonte is the Forum’s senior policy communications associate.

    Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR): Paul Egan, Brian Bilbray
    Egan is the group’s director for government relations. FAIR is seeking a moratorium on most immigration to give the country time to develop a comprehensive reform strategy. Former Rep. Bilbray (R-Calif.) is on FAIR’s board of advisers and runs the group’s congressional task force. One lobbyist said Bilbray’s “incredible access” to the House of Representatives has helped FAIR in its work on immigration reform.
    * Bilbray is competing in a special election on June 6 to replace Duke Cunningham. If this guys wins, it will surely galvanize the Anti-Immigration forces in Congress and on the Hill.
    McCains cancels appearance at fundraiser:,3566,197579,00.html Rosemary Jenks, James Edwards
    Jenks is the in-house lobbyist for the group. She said that while NumbersUSA originally was involved in the impact of immigration on the labor market, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, “made it clear we also need to look at security.” Edwards, who is with Olive, Edwards & Brinkman, also said that immigration is currently seen “through the lens of security.” A legislative director for former Rep. Ed Bryant (R-Tenn.), Edwards worked on immigration issues when lawmakers passed immigration reform in the 104th Congress. At the time, Bryant was a member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Border Security and Claims Subcommittee. Edwards also co-wrote The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform, published in 1998.

    Agricultural Coalition for Immigration Reform (ACIR): Monte Lake, Craig Regelbrugge, Sharon Hughes
    This ad hoc coalition includes more than 100 organizations with a “substantial labor need,” said co-chairman Regelbrugge, who is also the senior director of government relations for the American Nursery & Landscape Association. The group wants to ensure that agriculture employers have access to a seasonal work force to make certain the country has a “safe and secure food supply.” While individual members of the coalition pitch in, ACIR is also relying on some outside help. Lake is a partner with McGuiness Norris & Williams. The former deputy attorney general of California said that before the 2001 terrorist attacks, the group was close to achieving its goal of helping to reform immigration in a way that allowed access to seasonal workers while instituting a system of “earned immigration.” Hughes is the executive vice president of the National Council of Agricultural Employers and a key component in coordinating ACIR’s grassroots campaign.

    United to Secure America: William Crosby, Wright Andrews
    In the first half of this year, the group spent more than $600,000 in lobbying fees, including $180,000 each to Butera & Andrews, Podesta Mattoon and Timothy R Rupli & Associates. The group advocates boosting national security through allowing what it calls a “manageable number” of immigrants and non-immigrant visitors. One source praised the access of Crosby, a former GOP chief counsel on the House Rules Committee and 27-year Hill veteran who now works for the Livingston Group, as especially valuable.

    American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA): Judith Golub, Marshall Fitz
    Golub is the senior director of advocacy and public affairs for the 9,000-member group and Fitz is the associate director. AILA aims to educate Congress and the public about the benefits of an immigration policy that allows refugees and workers to enter the country.

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  • sunny1000
    02-03 05:37 PM
    Hi EveryOne,

    I got my Green card in mail yesterday. I want to thank IV and everyone for all the support during this GC journey. I wish everyone all the best for their green card process. I wish everyone gets to file 485 irrespective of priority dates and ultimately get their green cards. This is a question to Admin, i have a recursive donation going on, I would like to make a one time donation and stop the recursive donation.


    Congrats ivar! Good luck and God bless.

    03-26 03:40 PM
    just listen to the show - wonderful performance - you were crisp and to the point ... your points on this EB mess and the closing comments were great ... the 2nd caller shows the typical American common man mentality towards EB community ...

    First of all, Mark: Great job ! I think this was a great spokesperson job for our issue. I think the biggest problem facing our issue is lack of awareness. I disagree with sammyb's comment. I don't think the 2nd caller shows the typical american mentailty towards *our* issue. Any talk about immigration, be it legal or illegal, gets overtaken with the bigger illegal immigration debate. And that is natural given the scale of illegal immigration problem when compared to the legal one. I think Mark gave a great response to the 2nd caller by giving perspective. Until there is more awareness about the *legal* immigration issues and a separation from the larger illegal immigration debate, this will be a tough battle.

    On the face of it, this shouldn't be hard. People who follow the rules and the majority of them being tremendous assets to the American economy. Just the kind of immigrants a country would want : educated (in quite a few cases highly), skillful , law abiding and language proficient. Yet, here we are.

    09-22 09:48 AM
    What if the employer showed XXX amount on the Labor Certification, and in the offer letter, but send an offer letter to the employee for YYY, where YYY < XXX? Does the employee is still obliged to for with the employer?

    Your question is very short, but this is what I understand you are asking:
    If GC is approved with XXX salary on the LC and offer letter during the GC process, but then employer only offers/pays YYY salary upon approval of GC.

    As far as I can tell, this would be a problem on the part of employer and not the employee. For the most part, employee can leave that employer without any problems in future. what I do not know is, which one of the following option is better:

    1. Never join the employer after getting GC as salary offerred after GC is lower than what was on LC.

    2. Join the employer for a month or two and then leave giving the reason that "employer did not pay the salary offered in LC". This may be a safer option as you do prove your intention to join the employer and you get a few pay stubs proving that employer is not paying enough salary (not just othe offer letter showing YYY salary, but the hard proof of YYY salary by means of paystubs).

    Also if the employer really does not have project, and can not really hire you at a salary offered on LC, and you have good terms with the employer, ask them to "fire" you rather than you leaving them. This way you will be very safe for future citizenship process.

    Good Luck.

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