Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • jonty_11
    11-15 01:41 PM
    Yes, I94 is a part of ur new H1 (at teh bottom) u can go to Canada Mex using that and enter back into US within 30 days....

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  • Blessing&Lifeisbeautiful
    08-13 04:28 PM
    From your case alone this is rather a sweeping judgment. I can assure you they do NOT process based on receipt date if they did my husbands EAD which was received on May 3rd would be approved by now and yours would not. He is still waiting thirteen weeks on.

    Was it TSC?

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  • rayen
    02-05 03:20 PM
    receipt no

    Good luck


    Thanks a lot I will try to reach them now.

    Thanks, again.

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  • shana04
    07-21 09:59 AM
    All you guys,

    Take an Infopass appointment and tell them that you have not received FP notice. Sometimes taking infopass appt helps. So you can try that option.

    CAn you please help with the process on how to take an infopass.

    Sorry for my ignorance.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • WillIWin?
    08-13 02:09 PM
    I dont agree with the laws passed, but here is the math to come up with the $600 million figure they are quoting.

    # of possible H1Bs = 85k (65k + 20k)
    Fees (additional) = $2000
    Total Fees = $170 million ($2k x 85k)

    The fee increase is for 4 years = (2010-2014)

    GRAND Total = $680 million ($170 million x 4)

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  • ocpmachine
    06-17 12:26 PM
    Thanks yganreddy for your input. It might help.

    In my case, the X Ray shows nothing - so I am all clear on that.

    My concern is I don't how big the thing became after the test was done (twice). Once in 1997 when I first came from India and next in 1998 (when i worked in NY Preysbeterian Hosptal and they mandatorily tested for TB via skin test). I have asked for the reports from NY hospital and am hoping that it is less than 10 mm as the civil surgeon says that if the size is bigger than 10 mm, I will have to go through the treatment for TB (even though i have no evidence of active TB). I hope he is wrong.

    I had another question. Can I get the reports from India, when i got the TB test done? I might have the papers at home and will have to search for it or does USCIS not consider the papers from India? I hear a sealed envelope is what is needed from a doctor. In that case, we might be able to try to get in touch with the doctor that did the test and ask for a sealed envelope (showing him the papers he gave us when we got the test done).


    Its upto the doctor's discretion to accept an old TB skin test(PPD), my doctor did not consider the old test results, she recommended taking a new PPD test as the test is a snapshot test which indicates the state as of the time of the test and you might be infected with TB since the last test.

    Also, there is a new test as mentioned earlier called Quantiferone-Gold test (QFT-G) which provides better test of TB. However, this test is NOT certified by USCIS.

    Just for clearing the doubt, you can take QFT_G test, if QFT-G result is +ve then you need to undergo treatment, if x-ray is clean and QFT result �ve you are clear of TB. My QFT-G came back as �ve and clean X-ray, however my 693 form was marked �Class B Latent� due to PPD result > 10mm, I am not taking treatment due to �ve QFT but keeping all the paperwork to respond in case of future RFE.

    Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor/Lawyer.


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  • munnu77
    04-06 09:35 PM
    i am sorry..i couldnt follow todays proceedings..whn i cam to iv site in the evening..everyone says bill is dead
    whn i went to, they say the following

    cud someone tell me which one is true??????????

    We reported earlier the Senate Republican Members Agreement last night. Today, the Democratic Minority Leader and other Democractic leaders agreed to the proposal, turning the Republican agreement into the Bi-Partisan Agreement. This dramatic break-through opens a door to the possibility of passing the Senate version of Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, S. 2454, as amended before this week is over and before the Congress goes into the recess next two weeks.
    The development is accompanied by three other developments:
    President released statement supporting the bi-partisan agreement;
    Senate rejected the Democrat's motion to cloture for the Specter amendments to S.2454;
    Senate also relected the Republican Kyl' motion for his amendments.
    Now we see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

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  • fromnaija
    11-09 02:10 PM
    Actually, I did fill out that part.

    Thank You for filling in and for your suggestion.
    Have you filled some details in the section of "Any other way you have contributed to the American Economy / Community." in the survey?


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  • jamesbond007
    12-03 12:48 PM
    Thanks for your advice guys, I have found a university which allows people to go on CPT from 1st semester itself. They charge $3000 for this arrangement (along with $2400 for 6 credit hours) and their MBA/MS program is weekend only classes. I expect to convert to F1 and work with my present employer on CPT upon the my H1B expiration in Sept' 09 (I don't want to recapture the 2 months in Indian vacation). Classes start in 1st week of Oct 2009. The worst part is my course load will be really heavy as I have to continue with my regular M.B.A coursework in my present university.

    Check to make sure the CPT from that university does not have any conditions on the type of employment you can take under it. And also check the number of hours you can work under that CPT - fulltime/parttime?.

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  • ebizash
    07-23 12:16 PM
    Don't mean to hijack this thread but since my question is related to AP renewal I thought I would. OP if you have problem with this question, let me know and I will delete this post.

    I will be applying for AP renewal online for myself and my wife. This will be our 3rd AP (2nd renewal). The only problem is we never received the I-485 physical receipt (we know the LIN no. as well as A#) for her. So far my attorney had been filing the renewals but this time I want to save money and do it myself. I think its kind of stupid to pay 600-800 to attorney for such a simple task.

    Has anyone been in this situation? Can anyone suggest, what other document we could use such as copy of prior APs, EADs, FP notices etc?


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  • paskal
    08-22 03:02 PM
    This sound like a good idea...our first option is to attend the rally. But if for some reason we are not able to make it...we can identify a place in all the states on the same day to show support for the DC rally.. I tried to find someone in Buffalo...but noone responded..dont know whether I will be able to attend the rally in DC.

    if no one responds here, please find a friend in Buffalo to travel with you!
    or in Rochester or Syracuse or something. Plesae help spread the word about the rally. The University most definitely has affected folks- in fact it has oodles of them! let us know hoe we can help you with motivating people to come...if you could collect enough bus could start in Buffalo and work it's way down...

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  • gccovet
    05-08 03:47 PM
    Thank you senk1s & gccovet. Have added some Green's to both of you !

    Good luck, I am in the same boat as you are. Hence was reading more on this topic.


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  • sledge_hammer
    06-01 04:55 PM
    New members please take this pole

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  • wandmaker
    07-12 08:46 PM
    Our Current EAD is expiring on 10/01/2008. So we had applied for extension in june. On july 7th our application was approved and today we recieved our EAD cards. I was expecting a one year extension , which is until 10/01/2009. But USCIS send us ead cards that will expire on 01/01/2009.

    What should be the course of action here. Do i need to reapply or just contact USCIS and will they be able to fix it? Any body on similiar situation.?

    Service center is nebraska

    You do not have to reapply, please call USCIS and let them know of this issue. CSR will tell you how to proceed further


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  • GCPagla
    03-17 08:58 AM
    Hi All,

    Thanks for all your support and soothing words.
    I have talked with my immegration attorney who filed my 140 and 485 on current employer's behalf. And surprisingly she is ready to file the AC21 for me. Obviously she is charging me for that, but I guess I am fine with that.

    The excerpt form our communication is as following.
    a) I need to get a AC21 letter signed by the new employer. This will describe my position and duties, which should be similar to the LC.
    b) offer ltter need not describe word-word match of designation and duty.
    c) if there is a huge rise 50% - no issue.
    d) company size does not matter.

    So I had decided to take the plunge, especially when I have my attorney guarding the case.
    Write the market condition is not to well for H1B
    a) My friend was laid off in Dec and he was serching for job. Suddenlt he realized that his earlier employer had revoked the H1B. So he was out of status for some days. He managed filing AC21 with his friend's company and managed.
    b) I heard people ging for H1B extension was asked by USCIS to get a letter from the end client, saying the project will last for more than 3 years. I guess none will give that assurance in this market.

    So I guess I will move on EAD. Let me check what happend and I will keep posting my experience here.


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  • sertasheep
    07-05 05:27 PM
    syzygy, can you please update your profile with your telephone number? i'd like to talk to you about your experience with 07/02


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  • pappu
    02-10 01:18 PM
    Check the job requirement for your position. What is the qualification needed for your position?
    That will answer you.

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  • permfiling
    10-27 08:06 PM
    Myself and spouse received I797 , 485 approval notices with one on 10/15 and another on 10/18. I took infopass and had the I551 stamping. I guess now the wait starts for the physical cards. I heard that they are produced in batches so that would cause the delay

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  • ps57002
    10-09 05:32 AM
    How about H1B?

    If one uses EAD, then files for H1b extension beyond 6 yrs (since originally that was not option, labor not pending 365 days), when extension approval comes, go out of country, come back on H1b stamp? is that do able?

    06-01 02:37 PM
    I dont know about others but for me stuck with the same compay for 5 years. I really want to move on !!But it does increase the GC quota which will substantially hasten the process

    09-27 12:42 AM
    Am on H1B and have already applied for 485 (EB2 I May 2006). I am not sure if I am allowed to day trade in the current status. By day trading I mean not just investing in stocks and not just buying and selling stocks in a single day -- I am asking about making perhaps 10 trades in a day (5 rounds of buy, sell)? I understand IRS can call you out to be a full-time trader but the rules for this are not laid out clearly, as far as I can understand. Anyone out there with relevant links/personal experience on this one? Would really appreciate your feedback.


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