Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • stucklabor
    06-27 10:10 AM
    First up, thanks to everyone for resolving this issue on their own, in a reasonable and civil manner.

    In a truly democratic environment, we may want to modify the core IV goals to reflect that (Ideally I would prefer that there be a vote for what should be the core goals...after all most people here have contributed something towards the cause...and only those who have contributed should be allowed to free lunch).

    1. Allow people to file for 485 and get EAD even if visa numbers are not available
    2. Allow EAD to be FULLY portable without restrictons (i.e., irrespective of job description or job title or job location or salary).

    The above two dont ask for sweeping changes in immigration laws such as increase visa numbers etc. etc. and are easy for the average American person to understand. And so can hopefuly be passed easily.

    With the above two passed, I dont think many people will complain if it takes another 5 years to get their GC. Agree?

    By the way, I have got my EAD card and my PD is also current. So the above two goals will be redundant for me. My story is that I am stuck in FBI namecheck. But the moderators have already indicated that it cant be one of the core goals. So I would not list that even if I would like that to be one of the core goals.


    Santosh, those are good suggestions that I will take up to the IV team.

    1. The idea of a democratically elected IV goals is a good one but there are huge practical problems. As it stands, the present IV goals are those that most people have indicated are those that the organization should strive for, and from our discussions with Congress/Senate staff, these goals are achievable. With democratically selected goals, the IV core team would have the unenviable task of fighting for whatever goals the populace decides is right, without regard to the achievability of the goals. For instance, if the junta votes on goals, many people would say 'Full portability of GC' or 'Automatic clearance of all pending labor cert applications in the BECs'. Those would probably not fly. Our current talking point is that our goals are small changes to the process; we do not skip any steps; and we do not change the process significantly. A full portability to any job changes the process significantly. Even yesterday, Spgtopper met the staff member of a very powerful House member and the staffer was quite positive on our goals - we do not ask for more green cards, we limit our goals to ones that are reasonable.

    2. IV goals are not written in stone. Name check is definitely an issue but it is an issue that not many of our people face. If our membership's problems changes from retrogression to name check, then we would have to work on that. It may be smarter to anticipate the magnitude of the problem and start work early. If you would be kind enough to partially lead the effort, that would be great. Logiclife is working on this issue on his own, and WaldenPond is also working on this. Please PM them. Logiclife is on vacation so he may take a while to respond.

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  • sanju
    03-07 11:31 AM
    Look man, I don't know who you are and what's your story. But I do know this. Giving a false impression to others and misleading others on this forum and on any other forum is not going to help. You seem to project that only you care for the issue of country-limits. I think the better description is, you only care for the removal of country limits till the day you get your green card. You do NOT want to remove country limits on EB beyond the date you receive the approval of your application. Giving a false impression to a few on this forum that temporarily removal of country limits will be easier than permanent removal of country limits is just WRONG.

    After IV admin posted for the media interview few days back, I sent them an email expressing my willingness to speak with the press. I spoke with Vivek Wadhwa at length last week about this issue. Vivek Wadhwa article in Washington Post covers the issue of country limits where as his previous articles have not covered this issue.

    "Yet rather than welcome these entrepreneurs, the U.S. government is confining many of them to a painful purgatory. As of Sept. 30, 2006, more than a million people were waiting for the 120,000 permanent-resident visas granted each year to skilled workers and their family members. No nation may claim more than 7 percent, so years may pass before immigrants from populous countries such as India and China are even considered".

    I also called a member of IV core yesterday evening and they told me that they have told you not to do whatever that you are doing. I was told that you are hurting their effort and you have been told this pretty clearly. But you continue with this senseless and direction less ranting and you continue to cause damage to the effort for the removal of country-limits.

    Its disgusting that rather than working with others to fix this complicated and difficult issue, you continue to beat your own drum, without actually doing anything, but at the same time hurting the issue you claim you care for. And on top of that you want to remove the country limits only until you get your green card. Is that rationale to you in any which way?????? No. Is your action selfish????? YES.


    Good point, has anybody asked this to any lawyer ? Can we challenge this in court ? This is the definition of judiciary review...If we can proove the country cap to be unconstitutional..

    Judicial Review is when the Supreme Court reviews an act of Congress to see if it is Constitutional.
    Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutuion (violation against the laws of the Constitutuion).

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  • sunil68
    12-12 06:08 PM

    Asking help from Senator Sessions for your G-card is like asking help from Bil Ladan to wipe out islamic terrorism. I w'd be extremely curious to read his reponse if you get one at all.

    This guy was talking about benefits of legal immigration and introducing Canada/Australia style G-card system only a few weeks ago when law makers were discussing illegal immigration. When it came to legal immigration, then he stood against it like a wall of ice. Talk of people using divide and rule, he is the perfect example of that.

    On a sad note, it seems even Dems are doing the same thing. When Cornyn wanted to put our bill in India Nuke bill, Joe Biden said dems will take that up along with CIR next jan. Same old game of promises and betrayal. Now even dems will not be taking up CIR next year as this has been turned into a very sentimental issue now by Lou dobbs and his xenophobic racist gang. Did not you see Nancy Pelosi's agenda for january? They are worried about their presidential and house races in 2008 and don't want to take any chance. Harry Reid might say this is one of the first things on his agenda next year and Tad Kennedy and McCain might keep meeting and talking over a cup of tea, but we have seen all this drama so many times that it does not thrill us any more.

    Bottomline, we are not needed the way we used to be in '70s and '80's and so be contended with the current pace of g-card processing. If you have patience and luck, stay here, else leave.

    Indians have bunch of these tricks up their sleeves. Some are paid to take these interviews. Either the interviewer should rely on certification programs or employ voice recogntion and video conferencing to fish out these duds.

    Coming to the SKIL bill and Sen. Sessions, I am mailing my story to him at Hopefully, he will come around and support immigration reform.

    Dear Senator Sessions,

    I am a legal immigrant living in this country from 1995. I have been paying income taxes dutifully and contributed to the American Economy all these years. I paid Social Security and Medicare taxes, and as part of the bargain, I am eligible for Social Security payments when I retire. I own a house in this country and I am married.

    I came to know that you put a hold on SKIL bill in the Senate as you have not received any feedback from legal immigrants. This is in response to your hold.

    I applied for Greencard in May 2002. I have two Masters degrees and over eight years of leadership experience in the IT field in Fortune 100 companies. I have about thirteen years of experience in the IT industry. You would have expected that I should have the Greencard in my hand by now. That is not the case unfortunately.

    My case is languishing in the labor certification stage at Philadelphia backlog Elimination Center for the past two years. Labor certification is the first stage in the Greencard processing. I am into my 7th year H-1B extension now and I have to renew my VISA every year.

    My wife is a structural Engineer who had to put her career on hold, because she can not work until my Greencard petition moves forward. My wife has a Masters degree in Structural Engineering. We hear in papers that Alabama is short of Engineers. Why not improve efficiency at USCIS and use available workforce in the US?

    Legal immigration reform is essential to alleviate the pain and suffering borne out by legal immigrants in unending waits for the relief.

    I am expecting my Greencard petition to arrive only in another four years.

    Some of the anti-immigrants complain that more immigration pollutes the cities and chokes the cities. This is a falsehood propagated by them. My wife and I are living in this country as we speak. Granting us faster immigration relief does not increase population, rather it changes our status only - from hung upside down to standing straight.

    I request you to support EB immigration reform bills in Senate in the future and show us some light. The focus should be on how quickly America can assimilate legal immigrants by making the process easier. I am sure you would come hard on USCIS to process immigrant petitions efficiently.

    Some of the key provisions which would need your support are ...

    1. Recapturing VISA numbers from past years, which were left unused as USCIS never processed the full annual quota of immigration petitions in a timely manner, thus letting them expire.

    2. Allowing EB immigrants to apply for three year work permits instead of one year work permits which they have to renew every year. This lets us renew our drivers licenses also every three years instead of every one year.

    3. Forcing FBI to completing fingure print checks and background checks in a timely fashion instead of current waits which stretch to three years or more.

    4. Processing labor certifications in the backlog elimination centers by September 2007 as promised to Congress in the past.

    5. Ability to file for I-485 petition, even when the priority is not current. This would help lots of people in the retrogressed categories of immigration.

    Thanks a lot for your time in reading in this lengthy post. I hope you see the suffering of EB immigrants and support immigration reform in the future.

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  • pappu
    02-01 09:42 AM
    IV effort needs 50 thousand dollars to make sure we can meet our immediate needs and also make a big impact via this advocacy day event. There are several large and small expenses like booking hotel conference room near Capitol hill for organizing the event/situation room, Organizing reception for lawmakers, their staffers, and administration officials to attend, creating advocacy packets for each appointment taken, advocacy firm fees for helping out with a large event like this etc. We can plan more ideas like Press briefing event, full page ads in national newspapers if we can have sufficient resources. This event will most certainly bring our issues to the national center stage and help us get much needed immigration relief in the months ahead. IV is starting this campaign ahead of time to better plan and execute our advocacy day (

    We are a small grassroots organization with a strong resolve and when we all pool in our energies, intelligence and resources; we can all collectively create wonders. We do not want our limited funds to stop us from going all out. Despite our full time jobs, IV core is committed to work harder and we are happy to have the asset of a large IV community to support us in this mammoth task.

    This post is to urge everyone to come forward and help yourself in this short term funding drive. If you have not contributed till now, please consider contributing. If you cannot make it to DC due to personal or professional reasons then do show your admiration for our effort. If you have recently received your green cards, then please consider contributing as a way of celebrating and endorsing our effort. Times are tough for any immigration relief and in tough times we have to work harder to get anything done. Your contribution, words of support and enthusiasm helps everybody to maintain higher level of motivation which is so important for this kind of community effort. It is up to each member if you feel from your heart to contribute towards this cause. If you decide to contribute, you can either easily contribute via our website page ( or you could send us a check. We suggest individual contributions of $50/$100 to cover the cost of this event.

    Checks can be mailed to
    Immigration Voice
    3561 Homestead Rd #375
    Santa Clara, CA 95051

    We request each and every member reading this post to please contribute and post your donation amount on this thread for tracking purposes. We will continue to post updates that will make us all feel proud and part of this organization. Thank you for your support. Please keep it up.

    Volunteers who want to keep track of the contributions and provide encouragement, please contact me.

    Poster to spread the word.. (

    Team Immigration Voice


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  • glus
    05-23 12:01 PM
    This is awesome, glus. Thanks again for putting these fax numbers together.

    No problem...I think fax can be a strong messages since it is a hard copy and it has greater chances to get read quicker than e-mails.. Please take some time and fax them. Fax takes a minute to send if the line is not busy. Keep trying and fax them.

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  • GCwaitforever
    12-12 06:17 PM

    Asking help from Senator Sessions for your G-card is like asking help from Bil Ladan to wipe out islamic terrorism. I w'd be extremely curious to read his reponse if you get one at all.

    This guy was talking about benefits of legal immigration and introducing Canada/Australia style G-card system only a few weeks ago when law makers were discussing illegal immigration. When it came to legal immigration, then he stood against it like a wall of ice. Talk of people using divide and rule, he is the perfect example of that.

    On a sad note, it seems even Dems are doing the same thing. When Cornyn wanted to put our bill in India Nuke bill, Joe Biden said dems will take that up along with CIR next jan. Same old game of promises and betrayal. Now even dems will not be taking up CIR next year as this has been turned into a very sentimental issue now by Lou dobbs and his xenophobic racist gang. Did not you see Nancy Pelosi's agenda for january? They are worried about their presidential and house races in 2008 and don't want to take any chance. Harry Reid might say this is one of the first things on his agenda next year and Tad Kennedy and McCain might keep meeting and talking over a cup of tea, but we have seen all this drama so many times that it does not thrill us any more.

    Bottomline, we are not needed the way we used to be in '70s and '80's and so be contended with the current pace of g-card processing. If you have patience and luck, stay here, else leave.

    Thanks for your advice. The intent of the letter is to show a different perspective to Senator Sessions. Nothing more or nothig less. He said he did not receive any feedback from legal immigrants. Fine, we say here it comes. If he continues to block legal immigration reform bills, he has to find another pretext, not "no feedback from immigrants".

    There is always a rational side in every human being. Senator Sessions is smart. Let us hope Senator Sessions surprises us by bringing his own version of EB immigration reform.


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  • saimrathi
    07-13 08:10 AM
    Thanks.. :)

    NPR news coverage on July 2007 visa bulletin


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  • princeusa2006
    02-14 03:17 PM
    Contributed $50 by paypal Transaction ID: 040218399T855313L


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  • mirage
    03-06 04:24 PM
    You are seeing it from a complete 180 degrees than I see it. It's not us who's discriminating, it is the laws which are discriminating. I am asking them to treat us all equal, I entered the country on an H1B which was an employement based application it did not hav any country quota, then why should green cards for EB have country quota. Why should a person from India wait for 10 year and a person from Romania get it in 1 year....I think your ROW friends shold understand our position.
    Your strategy is to go against her own bill to recapture greencards that she introduced for us last year.

    I think this is wrong.

    Recapture is a good option if you want to do it right. Otherwise all ROW will oppose you. How are you different than the guys who open threads against Telgus or EB3 vs EB2 or against Muslims.

    What you are doing is only dividng the community. My collegues who are also IV members are upset reading that someone in IV is pursuing a one point agenda against ROW. We need to stop and think. A lot of ROW are quiet members on IV forum and they will be upset.
    Country caps can only be supported if there is recapture or increase in visa numbers.

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  • caydee
    05-23 07:25 PM
    I like this as it gives a personal touch.

    Dear Senator ____;

    Subject: Treating the currently backlogged legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and family-based applicants in the Immigration Reform bill S. 1348.

    I am a member of Immigration Voice ( Immigration Voice represents the interest of 500,000 legal skilled immigrants in the United States on the path to green cards who have been stuck in enormous backlogs and delays in immigration process.

    The career growth, job mobility and quality of life of a half a million legal skilled immigrants is subverted by the bill in its current form.

    Specifically, the restrictions on employment mobility of current applicants affected by this bill, limit improvements in all wage rates. This is because when the market for highly skilled staff improves (as it is doing today), we have significant bureaucratic barriers placed that prevent us from changing jobs. This creates a mis-allocation of scarce talent and limits the growth of the high tech industry as a whole.

    The permanent residency process currently takes a great many years, but technologies change fast. Staying in the same job can make a tech career stagnant. Few Americans in the technology field are willing to stay in the same position within their current company for that many years. So, Again, this limits growth in the technology industry because scarce skills are being miss-allocated.

    It is not just about changing jobs: I also get requests from friends that want me to improve their website or even join a start-up. They are dumbfounded when I tell them I may not because it is illegal for me to do so. Nor may I volunteer my time. Nor may I start my own company because I may not work for myself. The economic cost of a half-million highly skilled people not being able to start a business must be staggering.

    Personally, since moving to the "land of the free", I find it ironic that I lost my economic freedom. It is also heartbreaking to see the rug pulled out from beneath us when we've been such law-abiding and dedicated participants in the current system all these years. In terms of years, in terms of opportunity lost, and in terms of money wasted on lawyers, we humbly request an equitable solution for all skilled, law-abiding immigrants.

    Here are some specific reasons why the current CIR bill fails us, and fails the US economy. Also suggestions on improvements that can be made:

    1. Section 501(b) reduces the number of green cards to legal skilled immigrants from the current 140,000/year to 90,000/year and diverts the major portion of those green cards to future low-skills guest workers under the Y visa program. Instead of increasing that number to reduce the backlogs this section take a step backwards and would exacerbate the backlogs. On the other hand, 503(f)(2) of this act would allocate an estimated 11 million green cards over a time frame of 5 years � 2.2 million a year � to undocumented immigrants. Immigration Voice requests congress to treat legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and increase the number of green cards to at least 250,000 for 5 years for currently backlogged applicants defined under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to reduce to current backlog before the untested points based merit system is functional.

    2. Immigration Voice requests congress to waive per-country ceilings on backlogged petitions to be processed under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to make the backlog reduction more efficient. The bill provides a very similar waiver from per-country ceilings to family based pending petitions in section 508(b).

    3. Immigration Voice requests congress to allow legal skilled immigrants to file for adjustment of status for those applicants who have been certified by DOL to be doing jobs no US citizen is willing, qualified or able to do. This would be at parity with provisions for undocumented immigrants who would qualify for instant work permit (probationary card) that allows them to work without employer sponsor and without department of labor�s certification simply by registering.

    We at Immigration Voice strongly opposes the bill S 1348 in its current form and requests congress to amend this bill and treat the legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants, future guest-workers and pending family-based applicants.

    David Chappel


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  • sukhyani
    12-15 10:37 AM
    Guys check out this article on Washington Post's website:

    A whole lot of anti-immigrant folks are posting their comments. All the eloquent members of IV, please mount a counter attack!

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:16 PM
    I think we have a provable point as per the USCIS CSR msg "We approve all cases based on the order they are received". So basically it says Approval based on ND. Approving Oct'07 NDs and not approving (not even touching) Jul-Sep NDs makes a valid point.
    I am not sure how to put our case based on PD because to me PD serves the purpose of passport to get in and then line is formed by ND. But sure, if anyone could put some thoughts and define the situation, I think its well worth to try something different now.

    yeah.. even ND is not being followed... and why give a PD when they have to follow ND anyways ? So wait for 5 years in queue and then due to USCIS lottery system my application gets assigned a later ND... i have to suffer ??? WOW ... that's nice.... that's what's called INJUSTICE...


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  • fetch_gc
    09-05 11:39 AM
    Hi Guys,

    Self and Spouse 485/131/765 applications reached USCIS@NSC on July 16th,2007.

    No signs of any receipt notices yet??

    pls count me in.

    PD:APRIL, 2002
    I-140 AD: OCTOBER,2005
    I-485/131/765: Sent (arrived )on 07/16/2007

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  • manderson
    10-16 12:18 PM
    I think the major bone of contention among the legislators is what to do about the illegal immigrants currently in the country. Amnesty OR no amnsesty is the major debate. Other than that both are in a common frame of mind (in some way) one way or the other regarding - border enforcement, legal immigration, retrogression relief. Now, it looks like there is a common agreement that the skillful legal immigration issue has to be separated from the illgegal immigration related Amnesty OR no Amnesty debate. Hopefully we should see something positive in the next few months. This article seems to indicate in that direction since they have agreed upon one more item, border enforcement -

    Last sentence in this article: "However, given the anticipated difficulty in reaching an agreement on comprehensive reform, SKIL Act supporters likely must find an alternative legislative vehicle during the lame-duck session to pass limited relief for highly-educated workers."

    What alternative legislative vehicle are they talking about?


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  • webm
    11-21 08:53 AM
    Hi Mehul,

    I pray for you and your family..Hope your 485 thing for your wife gets resolved..

    Believe in life!!

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  • apahilaj
    12-16 06:48 PM
    Guys, any update on your FP notices? I have written to ombudsman almost 3 weeks ago about not receiving FP notices and nothing yet...

    What are you guys thinking as next step?


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  • psk79
    08-31 01:04 PM
    Application Sent on June 30th. Recd in NSC on July 2nd. I had applied only 485 at that time. Sent the other forms later with the Fedex receipt no. Waiting for EAD/AP receipt now!!

    I saw a few receipts/EAD's come out for NSC filers iwth TSC I140 and seems like this has stopped a bit. I haven't seen a lot of these receipts in the last couple of days... whats going on at TSC??????????????????????????????????????

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  • Kodi
    08-27 12:25 PM
    That is correct!

    Are u sure?

    I did cate 2 FP and received LUDs on I-765 and I-485 but when I received the EAD card, it said FP is not available. Based on that I assumed the FP was only I-485 related.

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  • hebbar77
    09-09 09:16 PM
    Getting sick of this movement in dates.

    Illegal guy in US makes more money & without any hassle.

    Trying to stay legally hurts very much for the past 9 years.

    Atleast they should allow to pre-file I-485 so that atleast guys like me (when we missed july 2007 race) can just file and complete the verification process in I-485.

    Are you saying illegals are smart? Or smart poeple are here illegally?

    08-20 04:18 PM
    Thanks for ur response. Whats the number to call?

    11-17 03:34 PM

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