Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • cool_guy_onnet1
    11-21 02:09 PM
    I am in a big,actually huge problem, Filed for EAD/AP and got it.
    Now I may loose my job in next month-

    My wife will be here sometime this month on h4- but she does not have an AP since we were not married when the dates were current. So lets say If I jump on EAD/AP -

    what happens to her status? How can she travel? She does not have AP and obviously, her H4 shall become void if I loose this job. Horrible situation especially considering it's the holiday season.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
    I've been IV member since it's formation and have contributed everymonth!

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  • gsc999
    01-24 11:06 PM
    Hello Nor. Cal,

    If we don't get going, I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve our objective, your objective.

    A few motivated people can only go so far. It is unfair to think that your time is more precious than any other volunteer's time. You just might be surprised to learn from us how busy we ourselves are.

    Please stand up for your rights. Don't take this campaign for granted.

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  • sanju
    11-20 03:51 PM
    Generally secretaries follow laws. They do not frame any regulations or have any role in it. It will be in hand of Obama's immigration appointees to push immigration.

    Secretary will be responsible for DHS which involves security, FEMA etc too. I am not sure if she will be able to change a whole lot.

    I think it would be incorrect to say that Secretaries do not frame regulations and it would be incorrect to say that they do not influence the policy and new laws. Infact, each Secretary have their own legislative group of staff who work with the congress.

    Yes, we heard from Chertoff in the media during Katrina, Rita, Fay etc., but they have a lot more to do in terms of influencing the policy that govern the framework of any new legislations.

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  • nozerd
    01-10 03:10 PM
    I know of 2 ppl very close to me who have been laid off. However they both already have GC.


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  • nixstor
    08-23 10:26 PM
    I was thinking that BEC's have 300K odd cases. Are you sure its only 180K?

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  • AVAKIL10
    08-03 08:34 AM
    Looks like SR request denial and not EAD denial to me..Don't worry.


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  • permfiling
    01-22 01:30 PM

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  • immigrationvoice1
    12-08 01:25 PM
    BTW, what are some of the online MS / MBA schools that the H1B community is attending ? Please share this information as I plan to take up one, and wanted to learn from your experirnce.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • smsthss
    07-05 09:27 AM
    Is premium processing for I-140 back again??. I know that the premium processing for I-140 was suspended due to the expectations that there will be lot of I-485 applications during july. BUT now that they have made the dates unavailable.. IS PREMIUM PROCESSING FOR I-140 REINSTATED?? ANYBODY HAVE ANY UPDATES ON THIS !!!

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  • snathan
    08-06 08:33 PM
    I came to US 5 years back in H4. My husband processed GC and 140 is cleared and 485 pending. I got my EAD and now working. My husband and I have problems and he is threatening to ruin my life.
    Can I know a few things
    1. Can he take me out of the GC ?
    2. Can he revoke my EAD ?
    3. Can my employee extend my EAD which is expiring in 2010 and continue my GC.
    please help...

    Your husband can remove from the GC process if he wants. And you will lose your EAD and you can not extend your EAD. One way is file for new H1B, get the job and start the GC process from PERM. There is no other way.


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  • mps
    04-26 11:02 PM
    Normally there should be a LUD on 485 after FP is done (same day/next)..


    I don't see any LUD after my FP in November. My RD for 485 is July 02 1007.

    However there was LUD on my approved I-40 in December 2007 (140 was approved in September 2006).

    What could it mean possibly?


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  • viper673
    06-08 11:11 PM
    Hi Dingudi,

    The problem is not the hours I worked as I've always worked legally and within the laws of the University and visa status.

    The problem is proving that I filed my taxes, which I did but I can't produce evidence and neither can the IRS.


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  • priderock
    06-25 02:42 PM
    That's correct.
    There are many unemployed, but there are not many qualified willing people available.
    Trying hard to recruit IT people for a month. Hardly finding any.

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  • Daisy
    10-26 10:57 AM
    Thanks Arihant


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  • desi3933
    09-05 05:13 PM
    I would recommend LLC, as then you have limited liability. You can actually register it using legalzoom for a price much cheaper than CPA. In no way am I endorsing legalzoom, it is just one of the many websites that do this. You might wanna look for a better and cheaper one.

    Please don't give incorrect answers.

    All three corporation types (C-Corp, S-Corp, and LLC) have limited liability to its shareholders.

    The main difference in these corp types are
    1. How much record keeping is done
    2. The way taxes are computed and filed with IRS
    3. The kind of expenses allowed to deduct
    4. C-Corp and LLC can carryover profits to next year(s), but S-Corp has to pass on profit (or loss) to the shareholders at the end of every calendar year.

    For S-Corp, the shareholders must be Permanent Resident or US Citizen.

    I have corporation of my own and this is C-Corp (due to kind of expenses I can deduct and/or write-off). I did all the incorporation work myself without any help from CPA. Incorporation is pretty straight forward and very easy. There are good books in Nolo Press on Corporate Incorporation.

    Proud Indian American and Legal Immigrant

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  • ivuser
    02-15 11:34 AM
    Let us Provide Service and generate more revenue.

    Revenue generation through multiple means is a very good idea.

    Information Service
    I would like to make most of the form thread details be accessible to members who had paid at least $100 or enrolled for recursive $20/month. We should make the thread heading very attractive and make it accessible to public. Core members should review all the thread headings, I think they are already doing it now. I can volunteer to this activity. I do have 8 years of experience in studying US immigration law, though I am not a lawyer, with my experience I can be of some guidance.

    Provide advertisement (Ad), like we see top, right side and bottom page Ad in hotmail, yahoo etc. Apart from the flash, images Ads, we should also do Google text Ads. Flash Ad could be charged based on the space, number of page hits. Google pays 25 cents per click on the hyperlink for the text Ad. I had managed a project, which implemented the feature. I am sure we have lot of technical experts and get this implemented, very well.

    Corporate Sponsorship
    If a corporation sponsors money then most probably there will be some tax advantage. I do know IV�s tax code. Consulting companies could pay IV from our company account.

    We can identify all our physician members and provide help for members and their parents in need. In turn the members who had taken help could contribute to IV�s good cause, in terms of funds, taking part in activities, etc. Hi the concept is very simple, if you had gone to a doctor, you will end up spending 2 hr waiting to see the doctor and then pay 150 to talk to them for 15 min. We will help you and intern you help us, or may be help yourself if you are a person going through the GC process. I can take initiative for this task, my wife is a physician and I know 20 other doctors who are in the GC process.

    Our IV admin should make standard disclaimers like, the information provided may have error, and the members should always consult lawyers for accurate information, the thread details are intended to be an approximate guidance.
    This should be part of our terms and conditions, while we register new members. It should also be part of the page footer, the text should be in red color.

    Action Item
    I would like to set up a conference today 9:10 PM (EST), Thursday Feb 15th 2007. Please reply to this tread if you have more ideas. Please do mention if any of you are interested in participating in today�s phone conference. I will also arrange for another conference during this weekend if necessary.
    I will call IV�s core members to discuss this activity and based on their recommendations I will confirm the conference and the details like phoning number and access code.

    My fellow members please note that we need to be more active and innovative to achieve our target (GC). I appreciate all our members for taking part in IV.


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  • h1-b forever
    10-28 09:53 AM
    My friend's dependent spouse got CPO approval on 9/10 and the card itself in earlier this month. However, the primary applicant has received no approval notice. Anyone with similar case?

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  • Daisy
    10-26 10:57 AM
    Thanks Arihant

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    01-08 04:53 PM
    I applied for I-485 during in July 07 and have I-140 approved.
    I renewed my passport last week, new passport number is different.

    Should I inform USCIS about this change?? is there any process/form for this?

    Please share experiences, I'm sure many of us must have experienced this.

    No need.

    05-18 05:12 PM
    Will we be able to find by the end of 2006 wether CIR bill is passed or not ?

    12-12 06:02 PM
    You don't need receipt notice. Valid AP and Passport should do.

    Welcome to IV . Which state are you from. Please consider joining your state chapter.


    I have an approved H1 until 2009 but expired visa in my passport. I have AP and EAD approved. My lawyer has the original I-485 receipt notice - I only have a fax of it. I am travelling to India in Jan-08.

    I am planning to re-enter the USA on AP. Do I need original I-485 receipt to re-enter? OR is AP documents enough? Do I need to carry approved H1-B notice or any other docs?

    Thanks for your help!

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