Wednesday, June 29, 2011

matthew broderick lion king

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  • smaram1
    08-23 06:24 PM
    Thanks Transpass..I really appreciate it...

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  • It reunited a bit of the Lion

  • snhn
    09-16 09:47 PM
    Does everyone receive FP notices. Couple of my co workers did not recieve them. I just applied. I have told that my name check is cleared

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  • gc_maine2
    07-05 09:38 AM
    Reached NE at 9.45 signed by rob pitcher.

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  • tikka
    05-23 11:52 AM
    Thank you, finished emails.
    Starting to fax now.

    E-mails are good, but if you can fax them too:

    Fax numbers to key senators in DC offices:

    Clinton: 202-228-2082
    Schumer: 202-228-3027
    Lott: 202-224-2262
    Reid: 202-224-7327
    Cornyn: 202-228-2856
    Hagel: 202-224-5213
    Martinez: 202-228-5171
    McConnell: 202-224-2499
    Kennedy: 202-224-2417


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  • Matthew Broderick played a bee

  • darslee
    07-10 04:55 PM
    In the past week, the "Protest Blooms" campaign notched up the following wins:
    Times of India article
    Buzz in the blogosphere
    Attention from many attorney websites and blogs
    Had a Washington Post journalist show interest in our issue and had tens of our members talk to her - which should result in a good article. How many times have we seen so many regular members of IV being able to speak to a reporter of a mainstream US publication on our issues?
    Had a senior Reuters editor talk to many of us and he promised a sustained coverage of our issues
    Had a senior reporter from New York Times talk to me
    Had the footage of this entire event shown on CNN in India
    Had many small media outlets which never cover these kind of issues, cover it (in smaller towns in MN and NY)
    Created a sense of action in the community which was feeling pretty dejected after the USCIS fiasco
    Had USCIS director react to us
    Had so much interest generated that the IV website was brought down J
    Brought a great deal of attention to IV (see previous point)And all this was accomplished with a severe time crunch. The grassroots effort involved in this campaign was unbelievable - thanks to everyone who kept the faith.

    Was the point of this campaign to have our flowers be decorated on the desk of the director of USCIS? I don't think so. The word again was "symbolic" and that purpose is served whether the flowers are in boxes or in full view of the world.

    Would it have made for better visuals if the flowers were in full view? Sure. Is there a way to improve upon every campaign? Sure.

    Let us learn from what went right and what went wrong and use this to better execute all future events.

    Absolutely right! Good job eveyone who participated! :)

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  • somegchuh
    03-10 02:39 AM
    A lot of people can give you advice but I think it really comes down to making peace with yourself.

    I have been thru the pain of being stuck in LC for over 4 years and I can completely sympathize with you. I know it can be really frustrating. I have been thru swings of optimisim and pessimism in those 4 years. Ultimately this is what I have realized, there is always a price to be paid in life if you want to achieve anything in life. It is upto each one of us to decide if GC is worth the various years of being stuck in same job, wife being stuck on H4 is the right price for GC or am I paying too much. For me personally, I think I am paying a big price but I am like a businessman who has invested so much money and time in his enterprise that he's afraid to drop the venture and start another business. Actually a lot of us fall in this category.

    So look at it this way. Write down the price you are paying. Figure out if you still want to put your effort (and how much) in trying to get a GC. If you think its a venture that's not worth the outcome, there's your answer! If you think its worth the outcome but you are afraid you still may not get a GC, work on backup plan i.e. evaluate and apply for immigration to other western countries or evaluate and work on a plan to go back to your home country. Knowing the price and having alternate plans will give you peace of minds. More than anything else don't forget to have fun. A lot of times we get caught up in worrying about what might/might not happen in future and don't enjoy the present! Go out with your wife and have a fancy dinner every now and then ... do something spontaneous... Watch movies, listen to music, go bowling with friends ... whatever takes your mind off the routine!

    I see a lot of guys telling everyone who is frustrated saying: Let your wife get her own H1, why don't you buy a house on H1, why don't you have kids? Well, its good to offer suggestions but don't get condescending. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable job that they can buy a house. Not everyone's wife is in IT and can get a desi co. to sponsor H1. Not everyone is at peace mentally enough that they can plan children.

    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:


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  • Still of Matthew Broderick in

  • 485Question
    10-04 06:23 PM
    Any applicant here who received the finger printing notices after Oct 1st.

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  • Matthew Broderick

  • hoolahoous
    08-20 10:44 PM
    Okay guys.. now the journey is over for me. I finally got my physical cards in mail. for some reason I never got CPO email/text. All I got decision and post decision emails. Since it had been couple of weeks since decision I was getting uneasy (because of no CPO).. but I got physical cards in mail today !

    best of luck to everyone waiting.


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  • Matthew Broderick 1962 yılında

  • GCOP
    08-28 10:54 AM
    I received Renewed EAD Card for 2 years, yesterday on 8/27/08

    I-765 Renewal Receipt & Notice Date by TSC: 6/24/08

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  • Matthew Broderick Breaking

  • GCVictim
    09-09 06:44 PM
    Is there any +ve direction in the future for EB2 and EB3?


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  • Matthew Broderick (USA)

  • webm
    04-30 01:09 PM
    Any realistic numbers how many EB3 India pending cases are there with PDs in each of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ...

    This was suspense every time..:(

    Anyone has this info/links to share??

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  • bmosur
    08-31 01:57 PM
    PD - July 2004 Category - EB3
    I-140 cleared June 2006
    I-485 - send 07/27/2007
    Cheqs encashed 08/31
    Receipt Date - Not yet

    Hope this helps. Looks like they are processing randomly


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  • girlfriend SJP and Matthew Broderick matthew broderick 2011.

  • conchshell
    02-26 07:32 PM
    And who is hurting because of this? Is it not you? And me? and our families? Whose fault is it that we refuse to actively participated in the effort that wants us to lead a stable life.

    You see, most people here work in IT. So we have binary logic. 0 & 1. There is no in between. So most people in this community of educated illiterates wants the world to be perfectly aligned before we lift a finger. Lets wait for few more years for GC before we contribute my hard earned $20 after bickering for 10 years, way to go.


    May be "educated illiterates" is a too strong word to describe our community. But no complaints, I know that sometime passion run high and we use strong words to convey our feelings. I know you mean all good for IV and the community.

    I am contributing to IV with my time/money/efforts from a long time. I had several face to face interactions with people here in Colorado when I used to ask them why they shy away from fighting for what they deserve. Trust me, it would be unfair to say that people want someone else to fight on their behalf, but what people want is an organization that can represent them in a fair manner, and they feel that IV has a long way to go before that stage comes. I posted a summary of suggested reforms in IV as a organization, but unfortunately it did not spark that positive debate which can bring such reforms. You can read the thread in your leasure time:

    Transparency in its action is one such big thing. Lets just learn from an anti immigration forum called On their donation page ( they clearly mention that "NumbersUSA is recognized by Independent Charities of America as one of the top 3% of well-run charities. When you donate to NumbersUSA, you can be sure that the money is used responsibly." Can we here at IV make such bold statement and prepare ourselves to prove this point if a member ask such question?

    I am no way opposing this campaign, I am supporting this and going to contribute too. But I guess its not too much to ask where these contribution will go, and what track able results they might bring.

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  • pamposh
    08-18 01:37 PM
    I dont *****ing care if they are under pressure... they still have to follow the guideliens.... just an analogy... just because ur under pressure to reach work on time... doesnt give you the liberty to speed... u still have to follow the speed limits... whatever.... i am just damn frustrated with this whole mess

    Completely agree with you. What the heck is this... why not just assign the visa numbers to application as per their PD and then see if the case can be instantly approved or needs more investigation.


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  • Matthew Broderick returning to

  • GCStatus
    09-16 06:00 PM

    We are doing this to help everyone. Especially, those whose PD is still current as per September VB, if you act with in next 5-10 days, you have a chance. if you can individually file a law suit when your PD is current.Since my guess is, the lawsuit we are working on in this thread, will take some time to shape up. But this is a Biggie, we want to create a big impact. Meanwhile, folks who are out there waiting since 2001,2002.... you can follow the links that i pasted in my previous message. People have won lawsuit very similar to the one we are talking about. I can even paste some of the I-485 lawsuits filed because of unreasonable and unnecessary delays, when PD is current.

    Here you go

    This is for the non-believers like Mr.Lord

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  • obviously
    07-27 11:13 PM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?


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  • hair Matthew Broderick e Sarah matthew broderick 2011. Matthew Broderick.

  • mallu
    07-03 09:33 PM
    I got an email today from USCIS stating this
    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    I did not receive any other approval notice. I hope this means that our 485 is approved and the cards have been ordered ?

    My PD Is May 2003

    Usually there will be another message "Notice welcoming permanrent resident sent" . Then, after a few days there will be "Approval notice sent" , the physical approval notice goes to your attorney. You should receive the physical card within 7-10 days.

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  • Still of Matthew Broderick in

  • ckichannagari
    11-17 05:31 PM
    Done... Sent it.

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  • Matthew Broderick

  • mrdelhiite
    09-13 08:31 AM
    mailed on 2nd july received 3rd july notice date 10th sep sen to Nebraska receipt number from Nebraska. delivered at 11:14 am on July 03, 2007 and was signed for by F HEINAUER


    Where was ur I140 approved ?

    09-10 02:44 PM
    IV is not biased against any EB category. Their goal is to have process so that everyone gets GC in one year from date of application. These categories are set by USCIS. IV is currently in process of detailing solutions to end this misery of all EB category. More details can only be find in your respective state chapters. We cannot disclose details on the public forum. I will urge you to join your state chapter so that you are aware of what all IV is trying to do. IV is not trying to make system work for EB2 or EB1 but for everyone. There are lot of solutions, but we need to lobby and for that we need volunteer. Remember IV is not a corporate who has people working on its payroll and getting revenue. All of us need to contribute and volunteer. Trust me the day all of us (at least number of people blogging currently) join their state chapter and volunteer couple of hours in a month, you will not need lobby. The public voice be enough to convince Hill and House to pass a legislation.

    That should not be the case. It should just concentrate on EB3-I. Period Because that is the only category that has to wait for centruries to get any movement.

    09-14 01:07 PM
    finally got to know from my bank that checks were encashed. checked the receipt nos. on back of checks. notice receipt date is 10the sept.
    i had mailed the papers on july 27th and NSC receipt date was 30th july.

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