Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • danu2007
    07-20 11:34 AM
    pledging $100

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  • akhilmahajan
    04-14 10:59 AM
    I think you also need a Canadian address.

    My bad, it totally skipped my mind.
    PR cards can only be mailed with in Canada.

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  • sina
    08-27 01:20 PM
    Case was filed on July 6th (485, 131 and 765). Not sure when it reached NSC.
    I-140 approved from TSC in 2006.
    No receipts and no checks cashed yet.:(

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  • manishcp
    09-07 02:35 PM
    Filing Date: July 2, 2007
    Recieved Date: July 3, 2007 9am
    PD: Sept. 2002
    Center: TSC
    Checks cashed: Sept 6, 2007


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  • mike_2000_la
    06-11 05:29 PM
    ND = 06/01 and RD = 06/06? how come ND is earlier than RD, when did you send in your application?

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  • rbusgc
    02-24 01:29 PM
    Receipt No: 5475-4035-1880-0959



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  • nk2006
    10-05 02:45 PM
    please post contents of that yale article (your link is not working).

    Try this:
    That article is too big, so I avoided copying. I am pasting some sections that discuss about future course below (again the article maily talks about h1b visas and how the lack of number is affecting foreign fresh grads, giving example of Ivy Legue colleges like Yale and Harvard):

    Future of the H-1B program:

    The H-1B visa issue might be slow to change because it is tied up in the larger debate over immigration reform, Yale-Loehr said.

    "A lot of immigration issues are not being solved until the larger issues are solved," he said. "It's like anything in Congress - it takes a long time to pass a major bill that seems controversial."

    In the past year, both the House and the Senate passed immigration reform bills, which are still pending in Congress. But the two bodies approached the issue of immigration reform in very different ways.

    The House bill - passed last December - focused on the strengthening of border control, while the Senate bill - passed this past May - took a more comprehensive approach to immigration reform.

    If enacted, the Senate bill would increase the number of H-1B visas to 115,000 for one year and use "a market-based calculation" to determine the cap for each subsequent year. The bill would also increase the quota by 20 percent if the previous year's quota is reached and would exempt aliens with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or math from the H-1B limit.

    The House bill, the Senate bill, or some compromise may be approved during Congress' lame-duck session after the general elections in November, Yale-Loehr said.
    Schuck said he thinks the immigration debate is often more political than practical, and divisions do not necessarily fall along party lines.

    "Immigration has strange political alliances," he said. "I would guess that there are a number of Democrats as well as some restrictionist Republicans who have supported the restriction of these visas."

    The Bush administration has supported comprehensive immigration reform and increasing avenues for foreign workers to gain employment legally, according to CNN and the Washington Post, respectively.

    Alumni differed on how much the H-1B shortage affected their lives. Some students, like Konieczny, said not receiving H-1B status was highly disruptive to their lives and future plans. But others said that while changing their plans was inconvenient, not getting a visa this year will not affect them greatly in the long-term.

    "I am doing the same kind of job, just in a different office," Yue Zhou said.

    Current international students must be aware of the H-1B visa quota and file their forms as soon as possible, alumni said.

    "Apply early, as in April 1 early," Jarek Langer '06 said in an e-mail. "Do not wait until you get your diploma. It will be too late."

    Bicalho said students should be proactive and involved in the application process.

    "Take ownership over the process," Bicalho said. "Talk to the school's international office early so they can start working with you. � As soon as you have an offer, know who are the lawyers your firm will use and contact them so that you can work together."

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  • GCKaIntezar
    06-11 01:30 PM
    at some month before OCT 2007 the dates would become unavailable.

    what would happen at that time?

    say your case was received by USCIS and they have not issued FP notices.

    what if they issued FP notices but not issued EAD and/or AP.
    would they still issue an EAD and AP even if your dates are not current(obviously the case was received by them and they issued you a case number)

    any ideas?

    How do you know that the visa numbers will indeed become "U", come October? Any numbers/sources to back up the claim?

    I know some senior members previously indicated in these forums that there is a difference between a "U"-Unavailable and a retrogressed date of 2003 for example.


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    12-13 11:52 AM
    I agree whole-heartedly.
    Senators/Congressmen are rational, smart and intelligent people. We HAVE to apprise them of our situation.
    We have a legitimate, common sense and good cause on our side.

    In this time of globalization and increased competition, do the senators/congressmen really want this country to lose half a million highly skilled, experienced and trained-in-America-for-years people to India and China, and to Europe and canada?

    If they put 'holds' or refuse to take up our cause after they are fully aware of our situation, then atleast you know that they are doing it out of racism and/or narrow political and parochial motives.

    But unless we make our situation known to these guys, we shouldn't really blame them.......Also, those with kids born in America might get more of a response from the legislators.

    It is pathetic that there is a thread from NJ, and the guy is begging people to join/respond; it is mind-boggling that there are only seven members from NJ. It is absolutely ridiculous that the only two responses on the 'Calling all Wisconsin members' have been from myself, and another person. And that other person is from Illinois......

    Can there be any guidance from the core team about personalizing our stories, and making those known to the legislators?

    Alisa, sadly that is the problem. Not enough people want to pick up the spade and work with the NJ or other chapters. I hope that more and more people will realize that creating awareness among politicians is the first step to getting their support when some bill comes up for discussion.

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  • pachaik
    02-09 03:35 PM
    I have sent my contribution of $21 through paypal.

    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #0FB67301XJ308793P)


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  • minimalist
    08-18 02:05 PM
    My reaction would have been the same if you were in Eb1 category. The fact is that I am trying to mobilize some people to get few things done. Of course, motivated by my self interest.

    I was against SunnySurya's porting agenda and still am. But the current issue he is taking up is a genuine one. There should be a reasonable processing expectation that the earlier the PD the sooner the GC,with all other things (like category)being equal.

    However eb3_nepa has a valid point too that you can't expect to utilize core's time/energy.
    In my opinion, SunnySurya is going in right direction championing this cause.
    All the best.
    EB3 -I , May 2006
    Contribution $100

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  • mannubhai
    11-18 11:13 AM


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  • sunty
    08-18 01:30 PM
    In my humble opinion USCIS cannot be sued for NOT following their own guidelines. Thats the difference between guidelines and laws...But again I am not a lawyer.

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  • anilsal
    12-16 01:34 PM
    to motivate and console each other. This is what IV is all about. :cool:


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  • apahilaj
    11-25 08:51 PM

    I got the SR response letter saying I contacted them and they are responding by saying that I should wait for the FP if I have not received one yet. So basically I am where I was 2 months ago.

    If you read my earlier posts, I did have doubts that FP and NC may have some connection together.

    But I think this seems more of a glitch in the TSC system in generation of FP. I mean either its NC or glitch that is causing this delay. Anyway, the NSC at least generates one for you after you speak to an IO. We are unfortunate in that also.


    In your response letter, did they anywhere mention about biometrics or finger printing notice specifically? In my letter, they did not mention about finger printing at all...All they said that the decision on my case has been delayed due to ongoing background check...I am not sure if they even knew that I had opened up the SR for not receiving FP notice.

    Yeah, I was thinking about your earlier post last night when I was reading the response letter..:) But I just can not subscribe to the idea that FP and name checks are even remotely connected...

    Well, we just have to wait and watch...good luck to all the fellow sufferrers..

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  • logiclife
    10-08 06:00 PM
    All EB categories will be current all the time. As soon as a I485 EB case is filed the visa number should be allocated to the first 8000 odd cases for that category based on the PD of application. If a new case is filed tomorrow with a old PD he will get the visa number and the last guys application will move to waiting list. At the beginning of the year all visa numbers are allocated and nothing is wasted, even if the case is having issues like RFE, FBI check, etc the applicant knows that once cleared he will get his GC.

    Can you explain why you think the lawyers will laugh it off? Or is it just that you say it because someone is saying something which you don't agree with?

    A clarification regarding the flower campaign. I said the AILA law suit and the congresswomen letter to the chief also had lot of weight. It is just not the flower campaign for your information, if you beleive so it is your opinion just like I have mine.

    Again, you have this approach of "This should be done, that should be done" or "What is wrong with this...why not work like this to avoid waste and be more efficient etc etc".

    I believe that you work for the Government. But I dont think you have talked to the government ever about fixing any of the issues. Big difference.

    All the big brilliant ideas that we come up with, in our heads, are pretty much meaningless to administration and congress and they wont do it unless they have other reasons to do it.

    You are like a person saying "What's wrong with doing assignment of visa numbers and then approving based FIFO..bla bla bla". Its like saying "What's wrong with passing electric current thru a tungsten filament in a glass ball of vaccum to create light". That is DIFFERENT from commercial production of electric bulb. That bridge - between and idea and its production - takes a lot of initiative and faces a lot of roadblocks.

    I will give you an example, and since you work for Government, I believe you will understand this easily.

    I was in a recent meeting with administration officials along with our lobbyist and 4 other IV members. One of the issues, that is purely and administrative issue and doesnt need congressional act is In country visa revalidation. Prior to 2002, St. Louis had an office where you can mail your passport for restamping after H1 extensions and dont have to travel out of country. We asked them why that cant be restarted.(just like your style of why this cant be done and why that cant be done, its so simple and makes so much sense...bla bla bla). You know what their reply was..."We dont have a problem in doing that, and the issue is not security. Its just that if we reject someone, that someone is already in USA and would drag the rejection thru an immigration lawyer, file motions for re-appeal and re-consideration, and take us to court...and we have to fight that and spend money from DHS coffers to do that. If we reject someone's visa stamp in Mumbai consulate, we dont have to worry about it as that someone cannot take us to court and its cheaper for us".

    Now, WHO would have thought about that? You see what I am saying. Here we are, speculating that they stopped visa restamping in USA (St. Louis) because of security reasons. And the real reason is - An attempt by DHS to save money on litigation it would face from rejections. Could you have known or imagined that? And who would have found the answer from IV forums. If I had posted that question here on forums, would I ever know that? No. It takes effort just to know the answers to questions. And then it takes some more effort to suggest more solutions and answers to their concerns. And then some more effort to get it done once they agree.

    Its very easy to sit in your cubicle and spin brilliant ideas out of your head and say "Why cant that happen?" and "Why cant this be done like that and like that?".

    And all your ideas are brilliant and they all have answers too. But sitting on IV forums and posting brilliant ideas isnt worth a bucket of warm spit if you are not willing to go out, travel and talk to people in authority and run your ideas and requests with them.

    And yes, talking about donkeys and horses, the problem isnt that I am expecting wrong things from the wrong animals. The problem is that donkeys expect to be treated like horses not because they can run fast like horses but because they think they can run as fast as horses.


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  • svinjamur
    07-03 07:25 PM
    EB2 category

    I did not get an approval for the 485 so was thinking what the process was here. Am I not supposed to be getting an approval notice in the email before the "Card Ordered" message came through ? I hope everything is over now, it was a long 51/2 years wait and just when you loose hope in the whole process this message turns up in my Inbox. I love this site and will continue to support it in whatever manner I can

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  • SlipperyGC
    05-02 06:39 PM
    Section 205. Retaining Workers Subject to Green Card Backlog.
    Allows foreign workers who have started the green card process, but who are subject to green card backlogs, to pay a $500.00 supplemental fee to file an application to adjust status. This change would enable foreign workers to remain in the U.S. until the green card becomes available

    Pending labor certification application in PBEC? or this only applies to people who have approved labor, approved I-140 or both?


    Electronics Engineers, Except Computer - 17-2072.00
    PD: 09/25/03
    RD: 10/04/04
    BEC#: P-04303-30451
    RECD 45DL: 02/17/05
    RPLD 45DL: 02/23/05

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  • manderson
    10-16 12:18 PM
    I think the major bone of contention among the legislators is what to do about the illegal immigrants currently in the country. Amnesty OR no amnsesty is the major debate. Other than that both are in a common frame of mind (in some way) one way or the other regarding - border enforcement, legal immigration, retrogression relief. Now, it looks like there is a common agreement that the skillful legal immigration issue has to be separated from the illgegal immigration related Amnesty OR no Amnesty debate. Hopefully we should see something positive in the next few months. This article seems to indicate in that direction since they have agreed upon one more item, border enforcement -

    Last sentence in this article: "However, given the anticipated difficulty in reaching an agreement on comprehensive reform, SKIL Act supporters likely must find an alternative legislative vehicle during the lame-duck session to pass limited relief for highly-educated workers."

    What alternative legislative vehicle are they talking about?

    05-23 01:22 PM
    Patrick J. Leahy
    Chuck Hagel
    John Cornyn
    Harry Reid
    Mitch McConnell
    Mel Martinez
    Trent Lott
    Lindsey Graham

    Sent to all these guys but have not heard back yet. will keep on sending and calling. Go IV ! Anyone who is not contributing, this may be your last chance. I urge every member to contribute and spread the word. Lets not wait .... there might not be anything to watch later on. Help yourselves !!

    02-02 10:22 AM
    I just visited last month. I stayed there for 6 weeks...

    Agree that economy is booking but....

    (1) too much pollution.
    (2) No infrastructure to handle cars and two wheeleers.
    (3) too much mosquito even in winter/summer. I do not know what will happen in rainy days.
    (4) prices for every item have gone up by 3X..Most of the item I am not able to justify the rise. The quality of the product has not gone up.
    (5) easy to set up business..get house...get car but tough to drive peacefully...need to pray god every morning so that we come back home with 2 hands and 2 legs and unbroken body parts.
    (6) Club culture is booming if you have daughter who is teen then need to check by that angle too.

    Just my two cents....

    I was all along with you till the 6th point, the statement you made clearly implies that it is ok if a Boy goes and screws others daughters but you need to keep a check on the girl ??? Is this liberty and freedom to you ?

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