Friday, July 1, 2011

Pictures Of Earth

images view of two moons of Earth Pictures Of Earth. of Earth Hour 2009.
  • of Earth Hour 2009.

  • sen_raju
    07-11 09:50 AM,0,5061439.story

    I am going to call the reporter and thank him again.

    wallpaper of Earth Hour 2009. Pictures Of Earth. of Earth satellite imagery
  • of Earth satellite imagery

  • glus
    05-23 09:10 AM
    It took me a while since their lines are busy. I sent faxes to my local senators and to those:
    Patrick J. Leahy
    Arlen Specter
    Chuck Hagel
    Diane Feinstein
    John Cornyn
    Harry Reid
    Mitch McConnell
    Mel Martinez
    Trent Lott
    Lindsey Graham

    I created a personal 1-page fax based on IV template and asked to include:
    1. More immigrant visas for those who are in the queue alredy(employment based)
    2. Asked for easy H1B 3-year extensions like in the present law
    3. Allow to file I485 without visa numbers
    4. Showed how illegals are being rewarded for breaking the laws, and how the legals are being punished by current bill.

    Guys, it may take a while, but do e-mails and faxes. The hardest fax to reach was sen. Reid's office.

    Go IV go....

    Pictures Of Earth. Cities of Earth
  • Cities of Earth

  • GCStatus
    09-15 01:20 PM
    Please let me know the process to pledge the $100. I am not a member of any state chapter but just a registered member on this site.

    Will let you know once we accumulate details. For now, please provide your name,ph# and e-mail to man-woman-gc

    2011 of Earth satellite imagery Pictures Of Earth. dates of quot;Earth Weekquot; vary
  • dates of quot;Earth Weekquot; vary

  • sapota
    10-08 01:03 PM
    PD should be established on the first labor application.

    I feel this is more practical than number of years in US.

    It already does, if you have an approved I-140 based on your LC.


    Pictures Of Earth. What is earth made of?
  • What is earth made of?

  • srkamath
    08-10 08:07 PM
    I git the I-485 Approval mail on 8/4/08 - but I have not recd any CPO mail or welcome PR mail - nor have I recd the notices in the mail -should Itake Infopass appt ?


    you waitISover

    pls update your username :);)

    Pictures Of Earth. the Meaning of Earth Day
  • the Meaning of Earth Day

  • dtekkedil
    07-03 12:11 PM
    Wouldn't hurt!

    Is there any way that we can easily let people see the link and the message etc? Instead of quoting it on every page?


    Pictures Of Earth. A Week Full of Earth Day
  • A Week Full of Earth Day

  • tonyHK12
    02-16 11:13 AM
    thanks bikram_das_in, raghav0, rkg000. c'mon everybody, still 45K to go...

    Total Contributions...........$5,075.00
    Amount to be raised.......$44,925.00

    2010 Cities of Earth Pictures Of Earth. view of two moons of Earth
  • view of two moons of Earth

  • saimrathi
    07-10 01:47 PM
    not sure, what the flowers will accomplish.. time will tell.. but writing to Senators/Representative may help.. so please do write to the senator/representative in your area...

    Hi Guys,

    I send a letter to senator Gregg(NH) Last week about July Visa Bulletin reversal by DOS and how its going to affect all individuals who filed their 485 based on original Visa Bulletin published by DOS.

    I Just got a call from Senator's office. He is sending a letter to DOS today or tomorrow asking about July Visa Bulletin reversal.
    I will post DOS reply as soon as I hear back from senator's office.

    Moral of the story is time for action when iron is hot.



    Pictures Of Earth. Screenshot 1 of Earth
  • Screenshot 1 of Earth

  • gcspace
    10-17 09:31 PM
    I'm very glad to hear the news. Let us see when my checks are going to be cashed. By the way, was your 485 packet signed by F.HEINAUER @NSC on July 16th?

    I did called NSC IO yesterday and she said that my packet must have been in caught up in the front log.

    Looks like all our 485 packets have been xfered to TSC from NSC. Hence SRCXXXXXXXXX

    My packet delivered on July 16 signed by R Pitcher 9a.m. at NSC.
    I am hoping yours and Vivek.. package was also in the same bundle.

    Just curious, what is a front log ??

    hair dates of quot;Earth Weekquot; vary Pictures Of Earth. of Earth Day by
  • of Earth Day by

  • a_tyagi26
    01-30 03:19 PM
    I agree with nousername and sledgehammer. It's funny how people justify unethical behavior by saying hey everybody is just trying to improve their own lives. Criminals are trying to improve their own life too and that doesn't excuse crime. The issue here is simple. This lady went for the quick and easy way out, applied for an H1B with some sleazy body shopper without having a project in hand and in the process, no doubt deprived someone better-deserving who actually had a job in hand.

    Anyways, if you are not being paid, you are out of status. Best option for you is to apply for a COS to H4 right away so your out-of-status time doesn't come back to haunt you later. Without pay stubs it is doubtful that it will be approved so most probably you might have to go back to your home country and re-enter on an H4 stamp.

    or if you are not getting paid you can complain to labor department. Your employer is that body shopper and he should pay you for the period of your h1. He has proved that he has capacity to pay you by filing for LCA and h1b. you having a project was never a condition for you getting paid from your employer. complain to labor department or USCIS if you are not getting paid.


    Pictures Of Earth. The would-be invaders of Earth
  • The would-be invaders of Earth

  • JazzByTheBay
    12-17 11:21 AM
    Acquired Immigration-Related Extreme Depression (AIRED)

    Like AIDS, it has no permanent cure for the time being.

    However, like many pharmaceutical companies and research institutions involved in finding a cure for AIDS, IV is working on a project to cure retrogression (equivalent of the HIV virus that causes AIDS).

    Like AIDS, there are no time lines, promises, or guarantees that a cure will be found for AIRED. However, patients report some improvements with formulations like EAD and AP. :)


    hot What is earth made of? Pictures Of Earth. Ben 10: Protector of Earth
  • Ben 10: Protector of Earth

  • JunRN
    08-29 03:17 PM
    NSC's receipting up-date is like fooling us around. It seems to me that if they touched one application with a date - July 24 - then it will declare in the Receipting up-date that it is already processing July 24 cases and yet, they are not yet finished with July 2 to 23 applications.


    house Earth Day Pictures Of Earth. View of Earth showing
  • View of Earth showing

  • forever
    08-03 07:07 PM
    I live in IL
    As per my analysis, your case will not be transferred to TSC. You should get receipt from NSC.

    tattoo the Meaning of Earth Day Pictures Of Earth. The Flag of Earth
  • The Flag of Earth

  • lasvegas
    02-05 02:23 PM
    Gurus, anybody did canada landing after applying I-485 during July2nd? What was the experience like? Can immigration officers on both sides USA, Canada consider this conflicting on the grouds of " INTENT " ?


    pictures A Week Full of Earth Day Pictures Of Earth. Know the History of Earth Day
  • Know the History of Earth Day

  • JazzByTheBay
    12-17 06:01 PM
    Personally, I think I'm beginning to see the shift in attitudes of young Indians now visiting the U.S. - of course, many will be tempted to stay in due course, and most of us here do truly appreciate what this country has to offer.

    The point I'm trying to make is the comparative state of the nations (both India and the United States), their respective economies, consumer confidence and hopes of their people, is in fact changing mindsets.

    There's no denying that this major shift is well on its way. It's no co-incidence that every single Indian I talked to in the last 2 weeks (temporarily here for education/work/whatever... ) immediately ruled out the idea of making the U.S. their home long-term, or even in the medium/short-term.

    In stark contrast, though, the H1B visas do get used up within hours of the visa lottery being opened... but I wouldn't assume all of those wanting to work here for some time on a H1B visa will want to stay back.

    Again, I don't have statistics to back up the theory - just anecdotal evidence, with a sampling far too small and based on my own personal experience and conversations...


    Give them a year or two more, when they have become comfortable with the american lifestyle and facilities we now take for granted (driving on freeways, easy access to libraries, parks to go for a run etc), and they will be probably singing a different tune.

    I came here eight yers ago muttering the same "Will make a few bucks and go back home" line. Still here and living it up :)

    I took up running 6 years ago primarily as i was trying to quit smoking, and also, there was a great running track right outside my house (obviously, free for anyone to use). Then I went to Mumbai last year and decided to go for a run, five minutes into the run and i was being chased by 2 dogs (and i don't mean the cops :p). The point i am trying to make here is. There are things in this country that we start taking for granted. lets appreciate it!

    Another tip i would suggest to keep your mind occupied is to learn a foreign language. Invest in an Ipod if you do not have one already. Download free podcasts thet teach french,spanish, german etc. Listen to it while running. You are doing two things at the same time, staying fit and learning.

    maybe we can have an IV 5K run sometime in the spring if things do not change. just a suggestion..

    dresses Ben 10: Protector of Earth Pictures Of Earth. Model of a flat Earth
  • Model of a flat Earth

  • kumar1
    01-31 07:59 PM
    Desi3933 - Thank you for sharing this link. Now I totally believe it.
    As promised before, now after looking at DOL web site, I will shut up.

    Since you asked -

    Here is link from Department of Labor website. Read for yourself and I have included relevant quote.
    Link (

    (ii) Even if the H-1B nonimmigrant has not yet "entered into employment" with the employer (as described in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section), the employer that has had an LCA certified and an H-1B petition approved for the H-1B nonimmigrant shall pay the nonimmigrant the required wage beginning 30 days after the date the nonimmigrant first is admitted into the U.S. pursuant to the petition, or, if the nonimmigrant is present in the United States on the date of the approval of the petition, beginning 60 days after the date the nonimmigrant becomes eligible to work for the employer. For purposes of this latter requirement, the H-1B nonimmigrant is considered to be eligible to work for the employer upon the date of need set forth on the approved H-1B petition filed by the employer, or the date of adjustment of the nonimmigrant's status by INS, whichever is later.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin


    makeup Screenshot 1 of Earth Pictures Of Earth. Earth Day
  • Earth Day

  • anzerraja
    07-20 12:18 AM
    Thanks !

    I pledge $100 for this cause also.

    Would also like to thank Gopal (gsc999) for getting all the banners done and helping a lot in organizing the SJ rally.Kudos to all Noble souls in the IV Core. I think what IV has acheived is amazing and unprecedented. Also money is too small to repay all the hours and work you guys have put in.

    I am sure God will bless all of you with a timely GC :). Best Wishes again.

    girlfriend The Flag of Earth Pictures Of Earth. Beneath Earth#39;s crust are the
  • Beneath Earth#39;s crust are the

  • gc28262
    07-20 10:29 PM
    If America is so unfair, who/what is compelling you to stay, heard there is an apartment available in Nandita's bulding in Bombay.
    I have my reasons to stay here which you will never understand.

    hairstyles The would-be invaders of Earth Pictures Of Earth. phenomenal images of earth
  • phenomenal images of earth

  • trueguy
    03-10 12:00 PM
    Lets not listen to negative people here and instead come up with a plan. Nothing will change unless we act upon it. I have seen these negative comments every time somebody come up with a plan for EB3-I. Unfortunately most of these negative comments are coming from EB2-I people.

    Lets come up with action plan for EB3-I and we will send it upto Mr. President. I am sure they will listen to us someday. They are busy not deaf.


    07-20 08:31 AM
    This is my first post here. Even though I've been a member for sometime, I wasn't even aware of these forums. When the July VB fiasco happened, I stumbled upon these forums and I was glued throughout the entire saga. U know what, IV was the only one who gave me any kind of HOPE. I am so thankful for what the IV core has done for us.

    Its a shame that we all sit quietly and let someone else pay for our problems. After all, most of us have decent paying jobs here. So I too will pledge $ 100 and I am also going to contribute twds IV's cause.........

    I hope more ppl will come forward and do the same.

    Yes you are correct. We all have decent paying jobs and $100 is nothing compared to $64000. I hope more folks like you join this humble cause. Can the spread sheet be updated and posted again so that we can track it.

    05-01 02:36 PM
    FB2A which is not very far behind.

    But add the Dependents to that. Now at least you wife is coming with you. Just think if there was no H4 visa.

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