Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • newbie2020
    05-05 06:22 AM
    Just because i gave my predictions which were not favorable to the person, Someone gave me a red.:mad: Guys take it sportively, We are just doing a prediction games, If someone predicts dates which is favorable or unfavorable doesn't mean USCIS / State dept will use the same dates, They will use what is on their minds.

    By the way the guy gave me comment EB3 india will be June 2002 funny

    Here are my predictions

    EB3 ROW Dec 06
    China: 8 May 03
    India: 01 Feb 02

    EB2 ROW C
    India 08 Mar 04
    China 08 Mar 04

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  • arihant
    05-04 03:43 PM
    I don't think having a MS degree supercedes a BS always.
    How can you compare say for example a BS+10 yrs person with a kid just out of school doing MS. Doesn't jive. I think at somepoint both level off. Just merely having a MS degree doesn't mean anything without experience.

    IT is not just one such field. You would find other's too. Financial aspect that you are talking is a whole different topic

    You are right in your observation. But, the SKIL Bill seems to place emphasis on people with advanced degrees. So, whether you and I agree about the Bachelors + work experience part or not, the fact of the matter is that the Bill exempts people with advanced degrees from cap limits.

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  • NKR
    04-23 12:54 PM
    I just read first page of this thread and would advice that don't follow most of reply because they are lawyers or they have not gone through the experience you are going through. $4000 may not be big amount compared to hassle of law suite , piece of mind or the amount of increase you may have received by switching employer. I know a close person who had gone through exactly same situation in NJ and had to pay 12,000 to settle the case. I have seen bunch of people in same situation and my friend always adviced them to stay away from law suite. If your current employer is not big then there are greater chances that it will turn away from you in case of law suite.

    If you are not working with same client that you were working when you were in company A then non-compete may not hold against you.

    Also can you get in writing from you current employer that they will support you in case of law suite?

    Are you an desi employer by any chance?. Just wondering�

    Also I agree with most of what kshitijnt says but why should somebody apologize even after he has placed 4 employees and has worked for 2 years. He did not leave within couple of months for crying out loud. Some of the desi employers are so greedy and unethical that even after you slog with them for years, they still want to hold on to something just to prove they are employer/boss. This is a lesson for people wanting to help their employers business. I would tell them that it is none of their business to help their employer�s business.

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  • 485Question
    10-04 05:20 PM
    �Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself.�

    What worries you, masters you. There are lot of others who are more worried since long, due to different reasons. Let's encourage them, and share our thoughts. Let's not discourage your self, we did and doing what ever is possible from our side. Just wait and see.




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  • willwin
    07-28 11:31 AM
    I disagree.
    Why is it not easy to change from EB3 to EB2?
    We have to decide what is important in life for us. Current job/salary/promotion/ status quo or Geeencard?
    If someone wants EB2, they can change their job and apply again. The law does not prohibit that. So stop blaming unfair laws.

    So the only reason why a lot of us are in EB3 is becasue we have chosen to stay with the current employer who pays us well and do not want to take the risk of a new employer. So it is our choice and not injustice. The system allows us options. We cannot want a cake and eat it too. I am also trying to find a new employer to change my job and file in EB2. Everyone is free to do that.

    And stop claiming that you are fit for EB2 but are stuck in EB3. If you are fit for EB2 then why don't you apply in EB2? If you have a masters degree you can find a new job with EB2 that needs a masters degree. Anyone who does not have masters degree then get work experience and change your job to file in EB2. Ultimately we have to decide what we want.

    yes, technically that is possible. But practically it may not be possible for the same reasons you said.

    And to me they are valid. So you are asking some one in EB3 2002 to quit his current job and apply for EB2 because the system is inefficient and cannot grant him GC in 7 years and if tomorrow he does not get under EB2 as well, you will advocate him to file under EB1??

    You are asking to adjust my body size to fit a dress instead of altering the dress itself. Just because the system provides 100 loopholes/opportunities/possibilities, does not mean one has to explore everything to get justice from the system. As I said, not EVERYONE can do that. Nevertheless, it is easy to give advise.

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  • das0
    06-23 11:20 AM
    Can an employer revoke the I-140 after 180 days of I-485 pending?


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  • gauravster
    07-08 03:48 PM
    I am bringing these out not because I am opposed to equal treatment of folks on H1/ EAD etc - but because there are legitimate arguments both ways and unless we can prove unequivocally that there is gross miscarriage of justice in denying us this right and on the other hand - there is no disadvantage caused to anybody else by granting us this right - this idea is unlikely to see the light of the day

    while i am happy to be proven wrong - i do not see anyone in this forum having a stomach for a protracted legal battle starting with lower courts and going all the way to Supreme Court - going back to my previous point - we do not see this as a "larger than me" cause

    Incorrect words used by me, I did not mean that supreme court gave authority, but that supreme court did not find that discrimination based on country of origin for immigrants violates the basic tenents of this countries constitution.

    I am not saying that this is a case on employers. If at all it would be a case against the discriminatory laws of the congress which allow someone to stay indefinitely but, do not allow them to work.

    If a case like this is filed, I do not think, I do not see it going to be a proteacted battle. If enough coverage is given, the lawmakers might sit down and fix the problem or atleast have a quick temporary fix. Maybe even lawmakers might not be needed, just the DOJ would might update the rules (which it is allowed in case it determines that the laws are conflicting). Most important of all, this will bring the issues on the front from being a laggard.

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  • eb3retro
    07-04 10:52 AM
    I'm in very similar situation. My dates were available for June as well. My HR/Attorneys did this long and painful bureaucratic process. We have an internal website which says that my case was �filed� on Jun-29th. Don�t know what the fuck that means. Whether it was sent on 29th or received on 29th? Couldn�t get HR to answer.Don�t have direct communication lines with Attorneys... If it�s sent on 29th, does USCIS take packages on Saturday or Sunday? If they take only on Monday, will they throw it out because it reached in July? Oh well, just have to wait and see...

    exactly the same situation as mine. Attorney was an A#%$%OLE.. gave all documentation on first day of june, and the sucker filed it on June29th reaching USCIS on july 2nd.


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  • ashshah
    12-16 03:55 PM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    Another recommendation is if possible do a landmark forum course. Its a 3 day course but definitely worth doing especially it may help to handle depression of any kind. Its based on a technology and not everyone gets the same benefits. But it does provide you good insights and everyone gets benefited in some way or the other.

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  • csvinay
    10-27 05:34 PM
    Ok. My bad. I was using lame duck as an example. I'm not hoping anything on the lame duck session.

    My question is/was, how long it takes for a bill(passed) to be effective. Is there a timeline within which President has to sign it? Once he signs it how long does it take become effective?

    PS: I was guessing, I'm not sure of the 90 days time period.


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  • BECsufferer
    05-09 11:53 PM
    However, please understand, we are asking for "fair" and "equitable" treatment for those who are already inside the country and devoted sufficient time of their life here. To me this means "justice." I can very well relate to your desperation and anger, but please don't react emotionally. The legal or technical fact remains that no-one guranteed us GC and truth of the matter is most of us said "No" when immigration officer asked " do you have plans to settle in State?" So their is no question of equitable treatment.

    ... it is possible that EB Indians are targeted by this administration. Infact in good times of this country we have done it a lot of favor instead of our home country. Now is the time to ask for "rights" for our contribution.. No Sir, I can't say thier is conspiracy as I know of none. As of us doing favor? ... is completly wrong, we all knew what and why we are coming here for. Had we had better choice we would have opted for that. Let's be honest to ourselves.

    ...So is it something that immigration is privilege when they need it and then chuck us out when they dont? Are you upto accepting that we are commodities to be used and thrown when they like? That my friend is captilism and welcome to USA. No I am not going to accept, but I am also not going to wave my fist in air and cry in-justices.

    I am sorry to sound rude and know you must be going thru a lot and this news made things worst for you, as they did for all of us. But lets also accept the truth and believe me, things will change .... they will, when? I don't know but they will. Just don't lose hope.

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  • qplearn
    12-12 08:39 PM

    Asking help from Senator Sessions for your G-card is like asking help from Bil Ladan to wipe out islamic terrorism. I w'd be extremely curious to read his reponse if you get one at all.

    If you think it is that ridiculuous, then you should tell the core members that. They did ask us to call him on the last day of LD. There is nothing wrong in writing to him. In fact, you are making a comparison that is not correct.


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  • viveckj99
    10-02 06:58 PM
    I am adding my name in the list.Filed on July 16 at Nebraska signed by R Pitcher,till now no Receipt.
    Thank you "Lutherpraveen" for info. I will react on this situation after OCT 10th (traveling right now). I will contact my lawyer and see what can be done. Keep posted on whatz happening..

    here is list of July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William-- If you are still waiting then please add your name


    If we hear nothing then we may have to take collective action. If any of you guys receive RN plz update as ASAP.

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  • pappu
    06-20 10:43 AM
    Thanks for the update. Beginning from S. 1932 last year, we have been riding an extremely rough roller coaster. We are all sick of politics. I personally feel nothing much might be accomplished this year. A lot is at stake for politicians if they take any position. Thus dragging the issue and dealing with it next year seems to be their only option. It is a bad sign for lots of legal immigrants who have been anxiously waiting all this while. If at all anything can happen, it will only be due to initiative from the President. Or if President signs a emergency bill giving relief to outstanding, highly educated people who have been in line. This option maybe a daydream but will keep us optimistic until November this year. Sorry for sounding pessimistic.


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  • perm
    08-07 12:45 PM
    when you are able to view the back side of the checks, could you please let us know if they have SRC or LIN for the receipt numbers? That would help lots of users here answer their question about what service center is processing transfer cases...

    Its LIN. strangly it says 'we received the case on July 31st, 2007..' I hope the RD is July 2nd and the ND is July 31st.!!??

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  • mammoy2k
    11-28 07:44 PM
    I think attorneys scare us in using AC21 before I-140. If you have a good attroney she can argue and convince USCIS to approve AC21 before I-140 approval. There can be only 3 reasons of I-140 denial:
    - Ability to Pay
    - Education
    - Experience

    Now if you work for a public company, A2P is not an issue. If you have a US degree, or a 4 years degree from outside, educations should not be a concern, unless LC asks for BTech in Comp Sc and you have it in Civil Engg. Laslty on Exp letter, if the only experience you mentioned on LC is the experience for which you have exp letter, you are fine.

    Does anyone see anything missing? Come Jan 08, I expect many AC21 with I-140 pending.


    I was confident on this before, you have just made me super confident.

    I have been saying all along that one can get a same/similar job after 180 days irrespective of the whether I-140 was approved or not. I don't know why some people / lawyers spread so much mis-information on this topic.


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  • dkshitij
    02-11 10:08 AM
    Thanks, Tony! I did email ivcoordinator yesterday. I will wait a few days and check back.

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  • sunil68
    12-12 06:08 PM

    Asking help from Senator Sessions for your G-card is like asking help from Bil Ladan to wipe out islamic terrorism. I w'd be extremely curious to read his reponse if you get one at all.

    This guy was talking about benefits of legal immigration and introducing Canada/Australia style G-card system only a few weeks ago when law makers were discussing illegal immigration. When it came to legal immigration, then he stood against it like a wall of ice. Talk of people using divide and rule, he is the perfect example of that.

    On a sad note, it seems even Dems are doing the same thing. When Cornyn wanted to put our bill in India Nuke bill, Joe Biden said dems will take that up along with CIR next jan. Same old game of promises and betrayal. Now even dems will not be taking up CIR next year as this has been turned into a very sentimental issue now by Lou dobbs and his xenophobic racist gang. Did not you see Nancy Pelosi's agenda for january? They are worried about their presidential and house races in 2008 and don't want to take any chance. Harry Reid might say this is one of the first things on his agenda next year and Tad Kennedy and McCain might keep meeting and talking over a cup of tea, but we have seen all this drama so many times that it does not thrill us any more.

    Bottomline, we are not needed the way we used to be in '70s and '80's and so be contended with the current pace of g-card processing. If you have patience and luck, stay here, else leave.

    Indians have bunch of these tricks up their sleeves. Some are paid to take these interviews. Either the interviewer should rely on certification programs or employ voice recogntion and video conferencing to fish out these duds.

    Coming to the SKIL bill and Sen. Sessions, I am mailing my story to him at Hopefully, he will come around and support immigration reform.

    Dear Senator Sessions,

    I am a legal immigrant living in this country from 1995. I have been paying income taxes dutifully and contributed to the American Economy all these years. I paid Social Security and Medicare taxes, and as part of the bargain, I am eligible for Social Security payments when I retire. I own a house in this country and I am married.

    I came to know that you put a hold on SKIL bill in the Senate as you have not received any feedback from legal immigrants. This is in response to your hold.

    I applied for Greencard in May 2002. I have two Masters degrees and over eight years of leadership experience in the IT field in Fortune 100 companies. I have about thirteen years of experience in the IT industry. You would have expected that I should have the Greencard in my hand by now. That is not the case unfortunately.

    My case is languishing in the labor certification stage at Philadelphia backlog Elimination Center for the past two years. Labor certification is the first stage in the Greencard processing. I am into my 7th year H-1B extension now and I have to renew my VISA every year.

    My wife is a structural Engineer who had to put her career on hold, because she can not work until my Greencard petition moves forward. My wife has a Masters degree in Structural Engineering. We hear in papers that Alabama is short of Engineers. Why not improve efficiency at USCIS and use available workforce in the US?

    Legal immigration reform is essential to alleviate the pain and suffering borne out by legal immigrants in unending waits for the relief.

    I am expecting my Greencard petition to arrive only in another four years.

    Some of the anti-immigrants complain that more immigration pollutes the cities and chokes the cities. This is a falsehood propagated by them. My wife and I are living in this country as we speak. Granting us faster immigration relief does not increase population, rather it changes our status only - from hung upside down to standing straight.

    I request you to support EB immigration reform bills in Senate in the future and show us some light. The focus should be on how quickly America can assimilate legal immigrants by making the process easier. I am sure you would come hard on USCIS to process immigrant petitions efficiently.

    Some of the key provisions which would need your support are ...

    1. Recapturing VISA numbers from past years, which were left unused as USCIS never processed the full annual quota of immigration petitions in a timely manner, thus letting them expire.

    2. Allowing EB immigrants to apply for three year work permits instead of one year work permits which they have to renew every year. This lets us renew our drivers licenses also every three years instead of every one year.

    3. Forcing FBI to completing fingure print checks and background checks in a timely fashion instead of current waits which stretch to three years or more.

    4. Processing labor certifications in the backlog elimination centers by September 2007 as promised to Congress in the past.

    5. Ability to file for I-485 petition, even when the priority is not current. This would help lots of people in the retrogressed categories of immigration.

    Thanks a lot for your time in reading in this lengthy post. I hope you see the suffering of EB immigrants and support immigration reform in the future.

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  • whoever
    03-08 05:57 PM
    ok, start predicting the april visa bulletin and cheer up. everyone has problems and most are depressed. i have been victim of severe depression, i cant even say, most of the time it has so severe effects -- i lose my appetite. but i dont cry in public, nor say publicly i suffer from it, nor have i been to a doctor for it.

    02-25 09:31 PM
    thanks indigokiwi. The deadline is end of March, but we would like a large amount of this raised much earlier, since it involves making reservations, booking appointments, for Eg. with the lobbyist.
    We need to raise about $1000 everyday to meet the goal.
    Adding this to post #236

    Admins, some anti is going around giving reds to each post of volunteers and donors from 3 days.

    could be Plainspeak

    08-13 07:48 PM
    The checks were submitted by my attorney and I am sure they might have cashed but I can not say for sure.

    BG I got receipt numbers but the checks are not cashed yet.

    PD - Jan 2006
    I-140 - Nov 2006

    485 Filed - July 2nd 11:30a.m
    Receipt Notice -- August 10th (Received on 13th, But checks not cashed yet :)

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