Friday, July 1, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year

images Time Magazine has chosen Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. is mark zuckerberg married
  • is mark zuckerberg married

  • for_gc
    11-17 03:59 PM

    Thanks IV

    wallpaper is mark zuckerberg married Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. » Time#39;s Person of the Year
  • » Time#39;s Person of the Year

  • mirage
    03-09 02:38 PM
    Guys everybody has a story, in my area Labors were getting cleared in less than 1 month in mid of 2003. When my attorney filed my labor and we didn�t hear on it for 3 months, my Attorney called up the local labor dept. they told him that the person who used to do foreign labor certs met with an accident and is on extended leave, It took 13 months for the local office, by that time BECs were born, retrogression�..

    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. New York: Time magazine named
  • New York: Time magazine named

  • Lisap
    08-26 05:10 PM
    I mailed my 2nd application (1st one was mailed in late June my attorney filed too soon as I was not current in June) on Aug 14th and it was received at NSC on the morning of the 15th. I 140 filed at TSC and was approved in July 2006. No checks cashed and No Receipt as of yet....

    2011 » Time#39;s Person of the Year Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Mark Zuckerberg
  • Mark Zuckerberg

  • Ramba
    07-09 01:09 PM
    Any suggestions?

    Working on EAD for a short time, even in a different occupation, with 1099 is not an issue. However, this will not satisfy the requirement for 485 approval. You must have a valid fulltime, permanant job offer in the same or related occupation at the time of 485 approval as well as when they issue a RFE regarding your employment.


    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Zuckerberg its quot;person of the
  • Zuckerberg its quot;person of the

  • akred
    05-24 02:31 AM
    Yes, Microsoft and many other major employers could easily find qualified US students with two years of experience, skills by the way comparable to what the vast majorities of H1B's offer, but Americans who do not need the H1B would give a finger to any employer who would expect that an American would work 80h/week for 55K/year.

    Hmm, so one would conclude that immigrants work harder than the natives. What is stopping the natives from working as hard? At the very least the immigrants are keeping natives honest and increasing competitiveness.

    You also misunderstand the chief reason why younger employees work long hours. It is because they want to learn and become more productive in the future, so they can make more money, not because their job depends on it.

    The illegal aliens are being backed by major employers of cheap labor, such as Wall Mart and many others. Illegals also can put extra long hours and therefore they yield more output for less investiment. That's is the reason that US employers seem to fight so consistently to keep them here.

    This may well be true for illegals. In fact it is true for any work that is well understood.

    By its very nature high skilled workers are expected to perform leveraged work where there isn't a direct correlation between results achieved and the number of hours worked.

    For the naive and dreamers out there who are shaking their heads after reading the above and believe that employers cannot find qualified applicants, so just answer this:
    How many million dollars per year are the top management of Fortune 500 companies making? The US is not about drastic wages inequalities. This is about paying a fair salary, otherwise we have increasing salary inequality and this should be renamed then to Mexico, India or something like that.

    See my comment above about leveraged work. This applies all the way to the CEO, and is the reason for insane salaries. As for the point about salary inequality, US income equality is better than Mexico's and significantly worse than India's, so there may be something there contributing to angst amongst Americans.

    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. TIME Magazine 2010 Person Of
  • TIME Magazine 2010 Person Of

  • dkann
    08-25 05:01 PM
    I applied for EAD and AP renewal on June 30. I received AP approval on July 18th and got EAD approved on August 15th.



    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Timer person of the year
  • Timer person of the year

  • BharatPremi
    12-15 11:09 PM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    A: I suggest you to have a trip in India and visit some places like Dharavi,
    Mumbai. If you do not want to go to India, Just take a trip to Brooklyn, NY
    You will see lots of souls in a such condition, you will start feeling better.
    I would not say this is nice way to feel good but that is the qucikest thing
    I can think of. What I mean to say is do not feel hopeless as you are in a
    way better condition than millions. And those millions have not lost hope
    and faith. Yes, you do not have GC so I also do not have GC. I do not
    have assets like what Bill Gates or Anil Ambani has. So now I get a good
    reason to depress and feel hopeless. Should I start feeling depressed?
    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    Ans: World history is full of events when people have done and made success
    against all odds. Have confidence and faith in yourself. Stand up to
    challenge the problems and entities who impose the problem on you.
    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Question: Have you done anything good for India or planning to do any good
    for USA? Or it is always about yourself?
    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go.

    Q: As per your claim, India has not done good to you with comparison to USA.
    Are you planning to go back to India after packing up? Just curious.

    Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    See the answers and hope my answers do not depress you.

    2010 New York: Time magazine named Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Time Magazine has chosen
  • Time Magazine has chosen

  • deba
    12-11 08:11 PM
    Mehul, I sent you a pm. Please check. God bless.


    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Zuckerberg has been named Time
  • Zuckerberg has been named Time

  • amitjoey
    07-09 04:10 PM
    Added this info to the profile of Mr.Gonzalez in Wikipedia and also to USCIS and DOS.

    Thanks Naveen for the initiative.

    hair Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Time Magazine has announced
  • Time Magazine has announced

  • abhijitp
    01-24 08:01 PM
    People spending time on this thread, why not spend 5 minutes to print and sign a letter, then spend 82c and mail one copy each to USCIS and IV.

    Do you not like the idea of 3 year long EAD's and more job portability which will come from a revised definition of "same or similar" job description??


    Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Time-zuckerberg-person-of-the-
  • Time-zuckerberg-person-of-the-

  • kumar1
    02-12 02:43 PM
    You are missing the point --- you are running behind everyone with a hammer. Calm down and stop making comments on other's English! If someone writes "u" instead of "you" and that annoys you, that is just one of your many problems. No one can do anything about it.

    Once again -- Grow Up!

    You are missing the point here again and taking whatever I said out of context!

    Read the OP's issue again. She never said that she did not understand the laws fully. In fact both her and her desi consulting company know the immigration laws too well and have found loopholes to take advantage of it, which is morally wrong. Now tell me if it is wrong when I say this; If you know you are going out of status because you do not have a job, and you still do not change your status back to H4 in the hopes that you'll eventually land a job, then you have no right to stay in this country.

    Please refrain from bringing in the refugees, their struggle and hardships and try to dilute what I have been saying in this entire thread!

    hot Zuckerberg its quot;person of the Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. TIME Magazine selected Martin
  • TIME Magazine selected Martin

  • thomachan72
    05-23 06:18 AM
    SORRY Fellas, I cannot send this out unless the provision for H1b nenewal be added to it. I know IVs main concern is reg the backlogged GC cases, however, I would request that future of the H1b should also be addresed. I now feel that even contributing to the IV was a mistake because you are not taking a broader view of this issue. Please try to include the clauses affecting H1bs also in your letters. Particularly simple technical aspects like renewing H1b beyond the 6 years period is a MUST and one of the things that can be MOST easily achieved if asked for.


    house Time Magazine#39;s Person of Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Mark. I#39;m pretty Time awards
  • Mark. I#39;m pretty Time awards

  • amsgc
    08-25 12:47 AM

    The issue is not with desi consultants. It is with those companies who game the system and take advantage of workers from India. If you believe that the petition filed by your company is legit, then it is all good - you will never have to worry about any audit or RFE.

    As I have said before, the problem arises when some companies file petitions when there isn't an immediate job offer. They often take money from the H-1B worker to file the petition and not pay them when they are on bench - making them vulnerable to USCIS audits. In my view this is bad for the H-1B program and everybody who is involed, and it should be investigated by the USCIS.

    Now, there may not be many who do this - but a few bad apples have certainly given the rest of us a bad name.

    Here are some of the red dot comments I recieved for my early posts. Not that I care about red dots.

    no. i was hired because i was good. you were hired because you were willing to work as a slave for 40k.
    BAN desi consultants, hoarding H1B's from deserving people, BAN everyone who supports them

    To the poster of this message,

    This country is not for incompetent people who fear desi-consultants.

    tattoo TIME Magazine 2010 Person Of Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Mark Zuckerberg is Time
  • Mark Zuckerberg is Time

  • sunsuri
    07-04 06:05 PM
    I had sent mine out on July 1st and it was received on July 3rd at 11:14 a.m.


    pictures Timer person of the year Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Time Magazine: Mark Zuckerberg
  • Time Magazine: Mark Zuckerberg

    08-27 01:29 PM
    Hi All,

    Me and my wife got our physical cards today. Buit the issue is my wife last name hasnt not been changed to my last name. It is still her maiden name. We have requested them while filing for I-485 with our marriage certificate.
    We can still live with this but there SSn, Passport everything has been changed to my last name already. even has EAD card had my last name.

    Any sugguestion as wat can be done. We r afraid were gettin our green card happiness will take a while now.

    dresses TIME Magazine selected Martin Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Facebook#39;s Mark Zuckerberg
  • Facebook#39;s Mark Zuckerberg

  • spulavarthi
    07-20 10:39 AM
    My pledge $100 for Aman.


    makeup Zuckerberg has been named Time Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Time Magazine#39;s Person of
  • Time Magazine#39;s Person of

  • lasvegas
    02-05 05:53 PM
    You have to PHYSICALLY present in Canda for 3 years in a 5 year period since the date your became PR.

    girlfriend Mark Zuckerberg is Time Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Mark Zuckerberg, Time#39;s
  • Mark Zuckerberg, Time#39;s

  • tikka
    05-23 08:50 AM
    I apologize if the post sounded discouraging / instigating to members. I do completely support IV team, particularly because it is a collective decision made by a dedicated group which certainly would be much more wise than what I think with my limited awareness on this whole issue. Yes indeed as somebody pointed out--if the backlog is removed completely there would not be a need for H1b 3 year renewal.

    No worries. It's all good. Everyone is a little stressed.
    Please do email the senators !

    hairstyles Time-zuckerberg-person-of-the- Mark Zuckerberg Time Person Of The Year. Geek:: TIME Magazine Person Of
  • Geek:: TIME Magazine Person Of

  • sgorla
    05-23 11:05 AM
    Sent emails to my Senators from Nevada, and other Senators listed here.
    Please continue to send emails.

    03-28 02:08 PM
    Thanks dingudi. If you know of a solid case where someone was RFE'd because of landing while on 485, then it looks like I might seriously consider abandoning it as well.

    One last question: Let's hypothetically say that I do decide to land and somehow manage to get back into the US without any issues using my AP. However, every subsequent time I leave the U.S. and return, I run the risk of getting "caught" at the POE with regards to the 485/Canadian residency conflict. Am I correct in this assessment?

    Again, I appreciate your input immensely. Thanks!

    I landed on March 17, 08 and came back the same day to the US using Automatic Visa Revalidation. I had no questions asked either by Canadian or US authorities. When you land the Canadian authorities will staple a piece of paper to your PP as proof of PR until you get the PR card. While re-entering the US I remove that stapled paper as it was very annoying every time you opened the PP. Nobody will question you just because you have a plan B.

    05-23 12:11 PM
    Used the sentators contact form on their website to post the concerns IV has.

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