Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • dilber
    04-22 04:57 PM
    May Mehul rest in peace.

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  • Munna Bhai
    08-14 08:52 AM

    i received approval for EAD today for myself and wife See sig for details.

    congrats, looks like things are moving

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  • purgan
    10-16 01:26 PM

    I have a feeling that the restrictionists may seek to attach HR 6283 along with the SKIL Bill to any appropriations bill...the restrionists have long been trying to cut family immigration (which they call chain migration)..what do you think?

    NUmbers USA are asking members to send this fax to their representative...


    Dear Representative XX

    I believe that cosponsoring H.R. 6283 is the single most important immigration action you can take right now to remove injustices caused by too-high immigration and to move US toward environmental sustainability.

    Until the late 1950s, America's immigration tradition of family unity had only included spouses and minor children. Since then, however, immigrants also have been allowed to sponsor send for their siblings, parents and adult children for legal admission into this country.

    Because each of those can then bring in their own adult relatives and nuclear family, a single immigrant can eventually be responsible for the arrival in the United States of his/her aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, first cousins, second cousins once-removed, in a spiraling chain that eventually could reach most of the world's six billion-plus residents.

    Our immigration policy, particularly as it pertains to �chain migration,� is out of control. Please put an end to it by supporting H.R. 6283.

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  • hindu_king
    03-06 04:26 PM
    What pisses me off is that there are 220,000 visa numbers every year for family based GCs while skilled immigrants get only 140,000. Nothing wrong with immigrants wanting to bring immediate family members but this is causing nothing but chain migration. I think USA give more GCs to cab drivers than skilled immigrants.


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  • PavanV
    09-09 08:16 PM

    Is it not true that you would need to invest 1 million or so to get the GC ?, i am EB 2 with PD July 09 (not approved yet), my options are, a) go back b) go back c) go back , so i guess we will wait for this CIR, if it does not pass, and if I am still here, then I am outta here :cool:

    For people like me with 3-Year degree EB2 is not an option. The only option I see is Investor Route...

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  • Saralayar
    08-24 07:40 PM


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  • fetch_gc
    11-21 08:30 AM

    I have a unique position. couple of weeks back I was told that have fatal cancer and won't live pass 4-6 months. After recovering from initial shock I am wondering if my wife will be able to continue her american dream or she will have to head home after me.

    I have filed 485 with approved 140 back in june, 2007 with PD of March, 2003

    Please help.



    Very sorry to hear about your situation.

    I have done some research and the closest thing that I came across is as below: BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS FOR a NON-CITIZEN applying for AOS based on getting married to US CITIZEN. I think there should be some sort of WAIVER for non-immigrant derivatives category as well.

    Waiver of joint petition requirement: If the marriage has terminated by reason of divorce, death of citizen spouse, or spousal abuse, the non-citizen spouse may apply for a waiver of the joint petition requirement.

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  • EB2_Jun03_dude
    11-28 07:49 PM
    PD: EB2 India - Jun03
    I140 approved: Nov 05
    I-485 applied: Jun 05
    FP1: Jul 05
    FP2: May 07
    AC21: Job changed twice (Jun 06 and Apr 07). Sent EVL to USCIS both times with 'same job description' but 'different job title'.

    AC21: Job changed twice (Jun 06 and Apr 07). Sent EVL to USCIS both times with 'same job description' but 'different job title'.

    This morning I received USCIS email alert for both my wife and I.

    My I-485 application got a RFE. "We mailed you a notice requesting additional evidence". Will have to wait for the formal letter for the details.

    My wife's I-485 application however was transferred to Newark NJ for interview. "This case has been sent for a standard interview."

    I have a ton of questions at this stage. here are few in you gurus can help me while I am waiting for the RFE letter.

    1) Will the RFE letter be mailed to me or my attorney ? what has been ur experience? do you get it in one week ?
    2) why USCIS has split the processing of my I-485 and my wife's I-485. Her I-485 is transfered to Newark, NJ while mine is pending at TSC (now waiting for RFE response).
    3) How much time will I have to respond to the RFE? Based on the new guidelines ( , I expect that to be stated in the RFE letter.

    thanks in advance.


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  • mchundi
    12-15 02:09 AM
    I myself will not support for skill Bill in current form. Too much H1b numbers will not only create a problem for US citizens it will also for current H1bs as well future H1bs. That 20% automatic adjustment and exemption for Cap for MS persons will increase supply and it will be tough to find a job if too many people are in the market. There are abundant jobs in India. Let people wait in India for 1 or 2 years to come here. Sustained immigration without increasing unemployment is better for US as well as potential immigrants. Otherwise Hate will increase. It may be easy to talk Capitalism and fittest will survive. When those people talking will be unemployed for more than 6 months with kids in the family will realise the truth. In the Forum most of the people are young and they did not face any issue other than Green card.

    But speed with which Corporations and Lawyers are working the Skill bill be passed in current form soon. We will wait and see after 3 years after increasing H1B. My prediction is Limited increase in H1 with Moderate increase in GC numbers will solve the problem for all the gc waiting people without big reaction from anti immigrants and that will boost sustained immigration.
    Well, it is not a perfect world. It is not a perfect system. When CIR comes up every group will push for their interests. If u send a mail to any Senator, all u get is a standard reply about H1-B. It will be impossible to educate every ligislator. We have to do the best we can to voice our concerns and go with the tide. We cannot nitpick the sections of the CIR and tell the legislators vote only for these. We just make sure that our issues are addressed in whatever bill comes up.

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  • AirWaterandGC
    05-23 10:33 PM
    Sent to my state senator Barrack Obama.
    I sent webfaxes and also emailed to most in the list.


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  • Rohan99
    10-11 05:01 PM
    I think it can not be true. I strongly believe in stats look around you and see how many have not received receipt, you will find very few numbers. In my office everyone has got receipt and my friends too. I am the only unlucky person. This sample is truly random hence I believe it. Out of 15 friends I know (work for different company and filed on different date) only I am left. Whatever immigartion-law or anyone is reporting like this is wrong.

    It is painful to wait like this and I am frustrated.. hope next week brings some good news...

    July VB Fiasco I-485 Receipting Delays

    The USCIS has yet to release the detailed progress report on the receipting delays in terms of the numbers that have yet to be processed for receipting. The only thing people know through various private websites just indicates that there are a plenty of people who are still waiting for filing fee checks cashed or receipt notices received for the cases which were filed as early as July 2, 2007, not to mention any later cases.

    We reported earlier that the USCIS had allegedly received total of 800,000 cases for the July VB fiasco cases. There is an unconfirmed report that they have completed the receipting only half way through of the total, meaning approximately 400,000. There are no sources of information to verify or confirm the figures. However, if it is correct, the USCIS has yet to process mountains of receipting workloads ahead and the filers have some additional sleepless nights which they will have to endure for a while. AMEN!

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  • ca_immigrant
    02-01 11:48 PM
    All the best asdcrajnet.. Both countries are equally good, we have lived in both.. so we know how to adjust..

    Few points that you may need to find out before you go..

    1) Apply for POI for your kid, you may have already done it. There is a restriction that you need to visit nearby police station every 180 days if your son is in India (because he is a US citizen), try to find out more about that and see what you can do to avoid it (may be get a India visa as opposed to a POI)
    If you go to a police station, 100% guarantee they will ask for a bribe or make things difficult for us.
    2) The school fees for non-Indian citizens is very high, because your son falls under NRI category, try to find out about it, and if possible share with us too.

    Everything is good back home but there are few issues which I see are a problem,

    1) Nothing moves ahead without bribery, if we need our stuff to move up the queue, say if it is land registration or getting approval for something - it will not move with bribery and any govt office related work we need to wait a lot and service is bad, unlike here in US there is no bribing and things are so streamlined and good. We can talk about ethics and moral values and not give bribe but then our need will never get fulfilled for years if we decide to go as per queue.
    2) If you are in IT, the work hours are horrible, most of IT companies are outside city limits, we will end up going early in the morning and return late night (because hey we need to talk to onsite guys). If an employee leaves at 5:30 or 6 PM it means there he is not working - not sure when this culture would change there. Again most of them work on saturdays, so only sunday is a holiday, here in US i can leave work at 5 PM or 5:30 and come home and spend time with family.
    3) Commute is very tough back home - too much traffic than what the roads can handle, there is traffic in US too but it is decent traffic, everyone follows rules and lane sense is there. Back home it is really horrible.

    For your PD you have waited for a long time, I would suggest you wait for 1-2 more years and give it a try. We can always go back to India no one is going to stop us, but the return is not very easy. Nowadays h1b approvals and stamping has become a nightmare.

    All the best in whatever decision you make. Everything is for good :)

    Is OCI an option ? I am actually a little confused as to what happened to the OCI option now a days ?
    My daughter is 5 and is a US citizen and we got an OCI for here in 2006.

    Now we have a son who is 5 months and looks like OCI is not an option anymore...and we will have to get a PIO...

    Also I think for the PIO have to report to the police...only if you are above 18....

    On bribery...I know it was a big issue before...but I thought people are more scared to take bribes now a days due to the way there are hidden cameras everywhere...
    I magine taking ur iphone and trying to bribe a cop back home (while recording) .... -:)

    yes, I myself have bribed some idiot policemen , when I was still in India in 1999-2000.
    ek tho paise lethe hein aur upar se chilate bhi hein...they take moeny from you and also yell at you...(yes when you are quite younger they do not respect you and just take money from you for all weird reasons)
    ...I wish I had a iphone then which could record the @#%#$^%$^


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  • kg318
    04-22 05:13 PM
    As far as I know this is a genuine company and not a typical small desi company.
    Did you sign some paper saying that you will reimburse the GC costs if you leave the company? If it was signed before the GC process started then it is not against the law that the company is holding back the $4K. This is a big company and I don't think the $4k matters to them much.

    As far as experience letter, they have to give it.

    Also, sometimes we get mad at the company even though its our own mistake. So, before filling anything with the labor department, make sure you have not signed the papers. By reporting them you are basically giving trouble to others who are in GC process through them.

    i haven't signed anything related to GC filing. even it came as a surprise to me that the company is making such a big fuss for the matter of $4000. And recently came to know that its not just me but there are several other consultants being harassed by them upon leaving the company. Even after years of working with them, they still want to have them hooked and are depriving the cosultants of better living. how justified is that????

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  • pcs
    02-09 08:33 PM
    I am sending $ 20 ...

    Please keep sending emails to all members and encourage them to chip in regularly..


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  • walking_dude
    10-08 02:31 PM
    Please donate $5000 to IV and they'll make it their top-most agenda

    /sarcasm off

    Action item for IV, besides visa recapturing etc. Its one of the items they
    should add to there agenda.

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  • texcan
    08-25 01:49 PM
    PD Aug 2004, EB-2 India
    I-140/I-485 applied - August 2007 at TSC (non-concurrent)
    I-140 approval - March 2008
    Spouse 485/AP/EAD applied - August 2008 (received receipt notices)
    Self EAD applied - August 2008 (received receipt notices)

    Till date I have not received my FP notice. I applied for my EAD (even though I am not planning on using it) hoping to jump start my pending 485 and get the things rolling for FP and processing of 485. Surprisingly, I got my EAD approval email on Aug 17th and I received my EAD card in the mail yesterday. It is valid for 2 years. It says finger prints not available. No change in the pending 485 status.

    I am totally perplexed about receiving the EAD without FP and so is my attorney. Can someone give me an idea of what is going on? Any input is appreciated! Thanks much!

    Congrats on EAD renewal. Enjoy and relax; please donot get in habbit of worry for anything and everything.

    Anyways, paper based ead renewal donot require finger prints. Search the forum, this has been stated many time.



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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 04:19 PM
    Hi Ahimsa and other poster who questioned this:

    Why SKULL bill ? As a high level manager I have learned after years of experience that you need to use good sense of humor, satirize when confronted with insanities and very stressful situations. In my life such a twaddle this immigration process has been that I need to come up to this forum and sometimes make some of us laugh a little bit from this situation. Calling it SKULL bill is a way to apply my sense of humor to this process. Please do not take this as an offense.

    Please, please. Folks, didn't you see and - a reliable pro immigration sources - outlining that that anti CIR calls outnumbered the pro CIR calls 400:1 ? Go to and research the info there by yourself if you don't trust me.

    One more indication for you, which doesn't rely on biased polls:
    In spite of massive lobby and muscles leveraged by the corporate sector, why do you think immigration bills - both pro legal and pro illegal - have been unsuccessful in the last two years ? Come on guys, by now you should not be questioning whether the public is against amnesty or even legal immigration. It is evident that the majority of citizens do not benefit from more immigration. Do you have an idea how much lobbying $ got involved on this without much success so far ? I am surprised that you are even raising this question. Why Americans should want more foreigners to compete with them when the real wages have declined ? That would defy logic.

    Here, a fresh related evidence. Those who have an open mind should be able to understand this:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Here is a fresh poll for you, since you asked: (the poll was not conducted by though).

    QUESTION A: If immigration continues at its current level for the next 50 years, experts estimate that it will add approximately 100 million people to the United States population, which currently is 300 million. Knowing this, would you say the country needs to:
    % SAYING

    NOTE: Typically, poll results for categories are released to the public in rounded numbers that will tend not to add up precisely to 100%.

    REDUCE number of immigrants INCREASE number of immigrants Keep number the same Not sure
    ALL VOTERS 64 3 26 6
    Male 64 3 26 6
    Female 65 2 26 6
    Democrat 59 2 32 6
    Independent 59 4 31 4

    1. Why do you keep mentioning SKIL bill clearly as SKULL bill in all your posts?
    2. Did people clearly indicate they did not want reliefs for EB immigrants - did they accept Lou Dobbs' lies on H-1B such as "H-1Bs do not pay taxes, are cheap labor, are stealing american jobs"?

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  • redsun
    09-14 05:39 PM
    Filed on: 07/06/2007 (NSC)
    Receipts received: 09/14/2007 (CSC)
    PD: EB3 Dec 2004
    Concurrently filed 140 and 485

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  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    06-12 09:30 AM
    Fortunately, my PD became current on May 1

    Did you get your receipt?

    03-23 11:35 AM
    First of all, when you land in Canada, do not tell them that you are there for a short while and you will go back to USA may be next day. They dislike it. I wasn't given the best treatment and they did not put a request for PR card in the system. It is their way of penalizing you for having Canada PR as a second option. I came back to USA very next day by road and called CIC Canda, they took my friend's address in Canada and mailed the PR card. She said, Immigration officer should have put a PR card request in the system. Canadian immigration officers very well know that there is 200 mile long GC line in the US and people are using Canada as a backup plan. I guess they dislike being a "backup plan".

    Now, let us say that your US VISA is expired on your passport, you can still go to Canada and come back to USA after claiming your PR status in Cananda. Automatic VISA revalidation rule gives you the ability to come back to USA even with an expired VISA but approved I-797 under 2 conditions -
    1. You stayed in Canda for less than 30 days.
    2. You did not apply for US VISA in Canada and got rejected.

    One more thing, when you fly back from Canada to USA, your immigration happens in Canadian airport itself. So you will land in US domestic airport and walk as if you are coming out of a domestic flight. Hope it helps. Good Luck.

    Thanks for the reply kumar1. However, I never left the country after changing from F1 to H1b status, so I don't even have an "expired" H1b visa stamp in my passport, just an expired F1 stamp. I don't know if that will complicate AVR, so was planning on using my AP.

    Were you in a pending 485 when you returned after landing in Canada? Any issues with US immigration? That is my main concern; I especially don't like the idea of having an RFE attached to my 485 because of this.

    Also, can you comment on this plan I've been considering: I'd like to visit India too, so how about if I fly to Canada, get my Canadian landing taken care of, then fly to India from Canada, spend some two weeks in India, then return to the U.S. using my AP. Can you think of additional potential problems there?


    05-24 08:45 AM

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